Strange ETHDenver Rituals - More Proof That The Future Is Multichain


Well, Bitcoin maximalists aren't the only ones who look like religious leaders now... Ethereum is starting to appear like a cult too.

Some videos of the opening ceremony at ETHDenver have been surfacing on Twitter, and it appears to be some kind of cult ritual:

Lots of people on Twitter announced they'd now be selling all their ETH after this cringe performance, while others were even speculating that it could have caused the price of Bitcoin to plummet $1000 in the span of a few hours:


The most embarrassing thing is that they included Do Kwon in the list of centralized exchange owners, when he was actually a co-founder of Luna, a decentralized blockchain where everyone owned their private keys.

And they forgot to include Jerome Powell of the Federal Reserve, who raised interest rates up to 5%. That's the primary reason we're still in this bear market.

I agree that it looks bad for the Ethereum community, but selling all of your ETH would be an overly drastic move. Diversification into other smart contract platforms would be a wise decision, however.

In the big scheme of things, I have no problem with this silly culture Ethereum has, but I wouldn't be betting the farm on this one platform either.

To me, this quirky ritual is just further proof that the future is multi-chain.

Similar to religions, each chain will have its maximalists, and each will have its own unique culture and ritualistic ceremonies.

Thankfully there are hundreds of other blockchains and communities that you can choose to focus your attention on.

If you don't fit into the peculiar Ethereum culture, you can branch off into other public blockchains that suit your personality better.

Do these quirky performances at Ethereum conferences make you think more or less of the platform?

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