Do you ever wonder what you are doing?


Even Mr. Positive has his days. Meaning not the best day, at least mentally. And today is one of those days.

Before i rant a little 🤪 let me say I am not going anywhere or stopping building.

Some days the downward moments of the markets can get under your skin. Not because the markets are down, we all know markets rebound. But because of what it does to people. They disappear or do odd stuff.

I do understand, most people are short sighted and have regrets later. And sometimes no matter your and my intentions we react without thinking of the long term consequences.


If you are dedicated to Hive and LeoFinance you have to stay a builder. Sometimes you have to change course on items you have been doing taking part in for years. It may not be easy. It may take some soul searching.

Once again I am not stopping any or my projects. Just the opposite. I am going to make some changes to stop spreading myself thin.

I have not made up my mind what yet but it has to be done.


I am very proud of what I have done on the blockchain so far and 5 years down the road I want to look back and be prouder.

I just wish the majority and not the minority seen the power of Hive. Of LeoFinance.

The world can change, crush one person. But let me tell you I am one person that will help change my little corner of the world.

I might be overly annoyed at the moment but I am also overly dedicated.

Let us few show the world what a truly decentralized web 3.0 blockchain is all about.

I am Fracking alive and Thriving.


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