Friday Finance 3/17/2023: DIY


If my good friend @a4xjeeper ever decides to start posting here on Hive, I think you are going to be quite impressed. He is a proficient builder, business owner, and avid do it yourself-er. All traits that I think each of us can relate to here on Hive.

We absolutely build things (following, brand, account), our blog can sometimes be seen as a business for those who are living off their post rewards, and for the most part, we only have ourselves to get it all done for us.

The opening picture is a jig that he is using to wrap firewood for resale. Pretty ingenious if you ask me. I didn't bother to question whether he bought it or built it because I am 95% confident the answer is he built it himself.

He confided in me a while ago that aside from his main handyman business he has been selling wood at a roadside stand. He said that he usually makes more money in one week selling wood than his wife does working part time at the hospital.

It's not surprising really... I watched him take a container of wood that he normally would have sold bulk for $100 and turn it into $200 just by bundling the wood in packages of 9 pieces and selling them at the road for $5 a pop. If that's not the American dream...

Here's a video of a commercial bundle maker that works the same way if you want to get an idea of the mechanics of it.

Direct Link

Like I said, each of us on Hive basically has our own business. We may not see it that way right now, but once we finally start to see mass adoption, more dapps and finance pieces are built on Hive, and the communities start to grow, it will all make sense.

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It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the Leo community.

I saw this really awesome article the other day that laid it out pretty good how crypto is not to blame for the current banking fiasco. Despite what the main stream media and the government wants you to believe.

I understand I am preaching to the choir here. We all know this has been the case for as long as I have been active in blockchain. FUD is something that will probably never go away. Plus, we have awesome authors like @taskmaster4450 to drop knowledge on all of us about what is actually happening.

A lot of that might be over the common folks heads, or they might be looking for a more reputable source than some blockchain blogging site that gives away "fake Internet money". Sharing the above article with them might nudge them in the right direction.

In fact, it is pretty rare that I ever post something on Facebook these days, but I felt compelled to share that article. If even one of my followers on that platform reads it and reaches out to ask me for more info then I will consider it a win.

If not, at least I tried right?


I've been trying to use Threads a bit more to promote my blog posts. I've been doing it on Twitter for quite some time now, but I really do think Threads is going to be one of the big dapps for this blockchain moving forward, so I want to get comfortable with it.

Fishing for that big upvote from @leo.voter doesn't hurt either :)

I actually made a post the other day from a mobile device and while it wasn't horrible, I am still waiting for that native app from the respective stores. I think having something that is a native app for smartphones is going to be game changing. I am sure the team is hard at work on that and I can't wait to see it hit the stores.


I got my taxes done last weekend and I have to admit I am pretty happy with the results. Of course, any refund I am getting will likely be going towards a new car for @mrsbozz, but that's better than having to pay in like I did last year.

It's funny how much of a grey area the whole crypto sector is when it comes to taxes. Most of the fields don't even match up and it takes forever to find the right section to enter your info (if it even exists). I look forward to the day it is as seamless as recording any other gain or loss.

Box of Futility

I thought about starting a section in these weekly posts that cover the funniest and the most insightful financial quotes I have seen through the week. I'm still not sure if I am going to do that yet, but if I do, you can bet the majority of the funny or "shake my head" quotes are probably going to come from Gary Gensler.

I was reading an article this week where he was once again insisting that ETH is a security. I honestly don't know if it actually passes the McGill (or whatever it is) test or not. What I do know is that as long as we keep trying to use traditional finance terms and structures to define a new asset class, we are never going to get anywhere.

It's like trying to fit something in a box that simply won't fit. Yet we keep trying to shove it in there because everything needs to fit in one of these two boxes.

It's a fools errand.

Yet the SEC is going to insist we continue down that path.

That's all I've got for this week. I hope you have an awesome weekend. Watch some college basketball and may your brackets not get busted (unless they already are)!

Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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