Breaking the Cycle


It is becoming more and more obvious to me that the majority of Americans and likely people around the world are mired in a cycle of debt. This can happen for any number of reasons. Medical issues, job loss, selfishness, the financial system as a whole... All of these and many more are the reasons that many people find themselves in a hole that they can never dig out of.

I will be the first to admit, my wife and I have pretty decent jobs. We aren't making enough to live the high life, but we are making enough to live a comfortable life. I often wonder how tight things would be for us if we had decided to have kids.

Living off a public education salary is not all it is cracked up to be (despite what many people say), yet people with families do it all the time.

In addition to that, I don't know what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck. Sure, there are times when the budget is tight, but we never have to wonder how we are going to pay this bill or that. Even when I got laid off before we were married, I was still able to pay my rent and eat and do many of the things others could only dream about.

Given all of that, I would still consider ourselves burdened by debt. Again, nowhere near as bad as some people, but the fact is that specter hovers over us like it does much of the world. As much as I would love to own a classic car like you see in the picture above, that probably will never happen.


If I suddenly had a buy a new (used) car today, I would have to take out a loan. We need a new roof on our house eventually and the windows need replacement. I would need to take out a loan to pay for that as well. I hate having to borrow money. It drives me absolutely crazy. The feeling that I owe someone something just gets under my skin in the worst way.

That is part of the reason my wife and I have so little savings. I am always trying to quickly pay down our debt, so our savings suffer because of that.

For me, this is where crypto comes in (hopefully).

My dream, like a lot of people I am sure, is to live a life where I am no longer burdened by the yolk of institutional debt. I don't need a mansion on a hill, I just want maybe an acre or two that I own outright. The freedom of knowing I could quickly replace one of our vehicles if one died, or better yet do some needed home improvements without having to take out a loan.

With the crypto markets going up and down and my holdings being pretty small compared to a lot of people, I still feel like crypto can be the "vehicle" that takes me out of this cycle of debt.

I think it can be that for a lot of people all over the world. It is no surprise you see people from all walks of life and all geographic locations embracing crypto currency. Even if their sights are set a little higher than mine (wen lambo), they are still looking for a way to break the cycle.

Like Tom Petty said, "The Waiting is the Hardest Part". All we can do is keep on keeping on. I hope one day many of us can break the cycle of debt and live a more freeing life that we deserve.

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All pictures taken by myself or @mrsbozz

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