Bozzlife: What a weekend!



It has definitely been an exciting weekend in the world of tech and blockchain. A couple news worthy things happened in case you missed it. Big tech increased their stance on censoring certain platforms. Specifically the decision by Amazon to not allow Parler(sp?) to run on it's servers has caused many people to reconsider their choice of using AWS.

Personally, I am indifferent about that particular platform. I don't agree with most of the stuff that this probably thrown around on there, so on some level I feel like the world is probably a better place.

I do believe in free speech, so it is concerning to me that this move has been made. I can understand why witnesses would be looking to move their hosting elsewhere. If Hive is to truly be a censorship free space we need to make sure it is immune to said censorship at all levels.

I know of several companies who have moved back to hosting their own hardware because it has become considerably cheaper to go that route. It is possible Amazon may have shot themselves in the foot a little bit on this one. Likely they are just being proactive to avoid any additional government interference into their business. It sets an unsettling precedent none the less.


Then we have the news out of the EOS space. Indeed, it appears that Dan Larimer has decided to step down from Block One. As expected, the ETH faithful are saying "I told you so" while they continue to pay their exorbitant gas fees and throw their money away.

I think what people need to remember is the fact that Block One is not the EOS blockchain just like Steemit was not Steem. I don't disagree that Dan has a pretty poor track record of sticking around for the long term on his projects. It has to be hard to watch project after project get abused, bastardized, and turned into something that is fundamentally the opposite of what you intended.

That is the pitfall of creating the types of blockchains he has. Human nature is likely always going to pervert the purest of intentions.

That being said, I do think Dan sort of missed the mark when he typed up this blog post on Hive. I will explain in just a second.

While many people are using the events of this weekend mentioned above to paint Dan's reasons for stepping down, this article proves that is clearly only part of the reason.

I have been echoing for quite a while now that to see mass adoption of blockchain and more specifically cryptocurrency, we are likely going to need to give way to government regulation to some degree. That is a hard reality to swallow when you consider the original heart and soul behind cryptocurrency.

I can understand Dan being turned off by that fact and wanting to take a step back. Where I feel he misses the mark can be summed up in one of the comments to his post.

It is easy to be outraged at government control and regulation when you have millions of dollars. Some of us are just trying to get by month to month, pay our rent or mortgage, and hopefully some day give ourselves some fiscal breathing room with this cryptocurrency thing.

Do I like the idea of tracking every single transaction I make on any blockchain (including writing this post) so I can report it to the IRS? Absolutely not! However, if I am ever lucky enough to make some decent money in crypto that would allow me to say pay off my house or something like that, I will be more than happy to give Uncle Sam his 30-40%. It still removes that burden from me and allows me to be more fiscally independent.

Like I said, lots of stuff going on this weekend. I think it is important to avoid the knee jerk reactions and really dig into what is or isn't going on. Apply some empathy and think about how this might impact all parties involved whether their bags or big or small.

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