A couple short term misses



Please tell me I am not the only one who buys a token and then totally forgets about it for months on end. I think (hope) a lot of us have been in this situation before. Either it is a nothing token that we pick up on a lark or it is something that is airdropped to us. At the time it seems fairly insignificant, so you don't pay too much attention to it.

This happened to me with two different tokens over the past couple of months. Sure enough, once I remember that I was holding them I went to look at the price and found that I had missed a relatively decent opportunity for some gains.

The good news is, as many people have stated, they feel we are still in the early stages of this bull run and I have a feeling this isn't going to be the last chance for me to recover some profits from these tokens.

The biggest question on your mind by this point is probably "what are these tokens you are talking about?"

Well, here you go:



The first token I picked up is the CHI token. It is distributed and used by the 1-Inch swap. I had read an article about how 1-Inch was creating a token to help offset the high ETH costs that people are having working with swaps and DeFi right now.

I like many others know first hand how horrible those ETH fees can be. I have written at least one post complaining about them if not several. I am sure many of you have as well. I personally don't use 1-Inch, but I figured holding the token might not be a bad idea. I used my Uniswap account and moved some ETH into CHI. I think I bought in at about $1.10 or something like that and yes I had to pay a huge ETH fee to do the swap!

As is typically the case, I wasn't able to pick up a ton of the tokens (especially at that $1+ price point), but I picked up a decent number.

Today the token price of CHI is right around $4 even. If I had been paying more attention there was a window just a short time ago that the token price jumped up to the $7 to $8 range. That would have been a really smart time for me to dump. Especially since I don't actually use the platform.

Hopefully this wasn't my only window and the price climbs back up to those higher levels if not $10+, that would be pretty phenomenal.


The second token that I had an epic fail with is TLOS. It is the token for the Telos blockchain which is a fork of EOS. It runs the EOSIO software, but the governance and tokenomics have been adjusted to reduce some of the shortcomings that the original EOS chain has/had.

There is actually quite a bit of development happening on Telos right now. Remember Appics from over on Steem? They are in the long drawn out process of shifting over to the Telos chain. I think BOID is working on some stuff over on Telos as well.

I had some spare EOS sitting around a while ago and I knew that I would probably be using Appics again when they finally made the move away from STEEM, so I decided to pick up some TLOS tokens. At the time the price was right around $.08 per token, so with EOS at about $3.50 I was able to get a fair number of TLOS for my EOS.

Right now the price is right around $.14 per token, but just yesterday I noticed there was a time a couple of weeks ago that the price was closer to the $.40 mark. It might have been a good time to at least get my initial investment back. Sadly, I missed it. I feel like I should have some kind of alert setup when I buy stuff like this.

The problem with that is like many of you, I own so many of these alts that my phone would be going off non-stop.


So what has been your biggest miss? Did you get a second chance or are you still waiting for that ship to come in? Do you hold any CHI or TLOS? Did you make smarter moves than me? Let's talk about it in the comments!

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