What Peter McCormack did - Awesome Interview!

Football and Bitcoin

This was one of the best Podcast Episodes I listened to in the past months. Want to share it with you guys since it was so inspiring and full of insights both into the Football business and leadership.
This guy is building something incredible in his home town Bedford that could make a big difference: A sustainable Top Tier Football Club based on a Bitcoin treasury. Recently he got the Winkelvoss Twins to invest several million dollars into this project, which shows the impact this could have.

If you haven’t heard of Peter McCormack yet, he is doing his own podcast - What Bitcoin Did - since several years and is a very renowned Host.

So if you have an hour to spend, and are interested in football, business development, Bitcoin or all of it together: This is really worth listening to.

👉🏻 Find it here on Spotify or listen to it here via V4V Fountain FM.

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