How V4V podcasting will profit from a Bitcoin Bullrun

Listening, stacking and streaming

Today I want to share a milestone with you which I think is not only important for me. It rather shows the power that lies with the concept of Value4Value Podcasting 2.0! I have now stacked 80.000 Sats with just listening to podcasts and podcasting myself. That’s Bitcoin worth about $28 today. Of this inflow I supported other podcasters with 23.000 Sats, two german podcasters I regularly listen to and of course our beloved „Cryptomaniacs“ podcast.

The Flywheel

This might not sound much, $28, but we had a two year long crypto winter. This could easily be worth 3x or 4x during the next bullrun of Bitcoin. Maybe 10x in a couple of years! And the rising value to be earned will certainly attract more people, both content creators and listeners, into this concept, and so the flywheel is spinning faster and faster. More listeners, more Rewards, more Rewards mean more incentives for content creators which lead to more available content.

Source: X

V4V infrastructure

In my view the V4V concept is just the better thing compared to the attention driven advertisement modell most content creators are using. Are forced to used because there was no alternative, until now!
We have the technology now with Lightning for micropayments to reward both listeners and creators of podcasts or even music. We have the Apps like Fountain or Breez that make it easy to use for people and there is a growing interest and curiosity to explore this concept.

I will further support other content creators with part of the Sats earned while listening podcasts and I will definitely advertise the V4V concept and try to onboard more people.

Have you used Fountain App and Value4Value recently?

Source: X

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