State of the Dapps listing, Hive Punks Market performance boost


Some quick updates.

The most exciting news is the Hive Punks market loads over 10x faster now. We sneaked an update the other day that brought the average time from 6+ seconds to around a half a second. While it still takes time to load all the images, you should a massive performance boost loading the market.

We are working on filtering and some other cool features for Hive Punks. Will let you know when it is ready to launch.

We got a listing on State of the Dapps for both projects, will be reaching out to other Dapp sites to get listed as well.



The other day we had two massive sales on Hive Punks market. @yabapmatt bought Lillian Hancock, a Vampire Electrician on his quest to what I believe is to own one of each of the non-humans. The final selling price was near $8,000 USD! There was another big sale for around $4,000 the same day.


If you haven't listened to @crimsonclad's CyberBuzz show, NFT Showroom is integrating Hive Punks really soon. Hive Punks has already been integrated to TribalDex via Open Hive.

We have been thinking of a new idea we have been wanting to integrate into Hive but is difficult without smart contracts. We are giving some thoughts to it and trying to think of ways to make it work well with our existing infrastructure, but in reality it may have to wait until we have smart contracts.

When we make some progress on the idea, will share what we can.

Check out this cool gif @reseller made showing off some of his Punks.

Want to give @asgarth a shoutout for helping with the market performance update.

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