The Strategy Of Emotional Triggers & Logical Solutions


Applying the strategy/theory of Emotional trigger and Logical solutions is how to speak to your target market to drive the sales you're looking for.

In one of my classes in 2022 on brand communication, I taught the participants about the idea that people make decisions based on emotions, then back it up with logic. It made me understand why people take their time to study phycology and understand logics because it works like magic.

The idea that people make decisions based on emotions and backing their emotions with logic is that; People are first triggered by their emotions to act and then find a reason to back up that impulsiveness. That's human nature and you can't change it no matter what.

Humans are almost always willing to give in to their emotions once they can find the slightest logical reason to do so. Once they can find a reason to think that they are in control, boom, they will act. That's an aspect of marketing that business owners must learn to incorporate into their marketing approach.

Giving yourself a second to think through what I'm communicating here will make you understand how many times you have acted exactly the same way as well, and so knowing that this is the common logic to apply should make you take this seriously in your business area.

You must learn to use that human bias to write a winning sales copy for your landing page to go from 0 to 10. Again, the idea is Emotional Triggers, Logical Solutions, So take this information seriously and see how you will see solutions and how easy it becomes.

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