W T F Dip !! woohoo !


So !! Its here ... the big fat dip .. with BTC dropping like a sack of potatoes. A wave of panic selling ... stoinks are dropping as well ... looks like everything is crumbling down.

Whatcha gonna do ?? HODL ?? or NOT HODL ???

These are times where you start to rethink your strategy as there are a lot of noises out there which starts to cause panic where one will sell and then they will influence others and then by the time you even know whats happening ... BOOM ! fat dips.

Well .. this is the time where we see liquidation also goes up thru the roof with people trading on the Futures market. That would also spark a whole series of craziness which will then just make the price of crypto yo-yo up and down down .. then up and down down. geeezzz ...

So whats you'r strat ? Do you have one ? Are you gambling or are you trading ? or are you just HODLing your tokens since $1 ??

For me ... its Shopping time and great time to get a good bargains for a lot of cryptos. Of course we have seen some recovery starting to happen on Altcoins .. however the sell preasure is still pretty strong. Lets see what happens in the next few days. I do believe that we are still in the bull market and this dump was necessary !

Cheers all and have a great day ahead !

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