Splintershards (SPS) Are Now Earning On Stake


One of the many cool things about Splintershards (SPS) is the ability to stake these shard to earn more shards. 7.5 Million will be airdropped this month and each month there after will decrease by 1%

I have to say watching my SPS stake and accumulate in my account ever 3 seconds (yes every 3 seconds as that's how fast hive blocks are) it's rather rewarding and fulfilling. Not only that but you can claim them without any fee another perk of the hive blockchain! (at least I don't believe there's any fee)


Out of all the play to earn games I have to say Splinterlands has A LOT going for it in terms of what it offers. I don't just mean plan to earn but also the game play, things coming soon, and just the vast potential the game has.

What I really love about this new feature is in the time of me writing this article I earned another 5 SPS tokens or $1.65 at current prices. Not bad for some passive income right!

However I'll be holding on to these as SPS currently does not have many uses cases but will later this year. You'll need to have staked SPS in order of taking part in various aspects of the game including pack unlocks etc. This should greatly increase the value of these tokens later on as the game continues to grow and evolve.

Some of the next features coming soon will be earning cards from brawls (I'm thinking these earned cards will also count to the value of your deck and count towards the SPS airdrop) however these new cards are account bound and can only be used in brawls. It does seem as if you'll be able to trade them in for DEC value though.

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