RE: Will SPS and Chaos Packs Rebound?

I totally understand that viewpoint for sure. But when you have other packs going for $50 + there's not much reason it shouldn't go for $30+ on the vouchers. I think there's too many unknowns and it's confusing the market at the moment.

Right now everyone is under the thought you have which I totally agree with and it's lack of info and understand about what happens AFTER presale.

Will 14 million packs just be opened up for anyone to buy as many as they want for $4 each?
Will they slowly be released out and still require vouchers that would drop to SPS token holders but at a faster rate then then 33,333 currently being released during prelaunch?

Without that info right now I feel everyone expects well I can just wait and get $4 packs in 30 or so days and buy as many as I want. I don't think that will be the case though it seems crazy that it would be the case because that totally voids any presale hype in my opinion and totally under minds the value of the exclusive card and some of the other bonuses as well simply not worth it.

If we don't get any kind of details soon I highly expect vouchers to go for dirt cheap and to a very select few people.

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