Focus On Units Not Price

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Focus On Units Not Price

I do my best to get into AMAs and podcasts but they often suck up a ton of time when I'm trying to focus on other things. It's why I've come to enjoy listening to them later on with headphones while I do some busy work outside. The wealth of information you can get from these is seriously powerful and I in particular like the talks and learning that happen on the LeoFinance AMA which you can check out on
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During the episode today I overheard Focus on Units Not Price and that's something I often try and tell people to do but never summed it up as simple as that.

What Is Focusing on Units Not Price?

Many of you have been in crypto for long enough now that you know tokens and the fiat price that goes with them. Many and boy do I mean MANY people value crypto on the weight of fiat value. How much dollar value can I get out of a bitcoin or another asset. Sadly that may never change and currently is the main factor of what many people feel is the value of the token. But there's much much more to it such as development, applications, use cases, defi, gaming, entertainment and so forth. All of these things have value. If I go to the movies and I can buy a ticket using bitcoin say 0.01BTC that now has a value. It doesn't nessasrly have to have a fiat value behind it.

It all goes on what someone is willing to do or trade in exchange for what you have including crypto. That's the only point real value is achieved. However over the last few years a greater tie has been put on crypto that the only value it has is how much fiat I can get out of it especially with the introduction of stable coins.

Shifting your mindset into focusing on units you can start to see why it becomes such a powerful thing.

For the most part right now people are in shock and thinking they lost everything and they need to dump their crypto to squeeze out any little bit of Fiat they can out of it. This same exact weird thinking goes into the stock market. Instead think about doubling down or better during times like this!

In the case of crypto focusing on units means I now can buy more or even earn more here on hive and Leofinance. I can now buy 3 hive for what one would have cost mew a few months ago. I can now buy about 20 LEO tokens per $1 far greater than just a few months ago when I would have gotten about 5 LEO tokens.

Are you starting to see how thinking in unit over fiat quickly starts to change your mind about stacking. As everyone starts selling you should be thinking about buying. What's really awesome about Hive and LeoFinance is during these down turns we often see activity slump. But that same amount of LEO and Hive inflation tokens are going to be printed and given away each day. This actully allows you to earn more crypto tokens now than you did before. This is the time to build your bags and not get into fiat. Your fiat times should have been during those mega rallies and when people got real weird about NFTs and buying junk left and right.

So get out there and remember tomorrow is LEO POWER UP DAY!
Get your LEO tokens ready.

*This article is for entertainment purposes only and not investment advice.

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