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Arts Grant Funding: Blathering



So, after completing all the budgeting numbers and uploading lots of documents yesterday... today, I moved onto the seriously crappy part of writing a grant funding proposal. You need to address funding criteria and all of that stuff whilst describing your project... now, describing my project is something that I can do quite well when talking to someone. Essentially, the vision isn't that complicated... seriously good music perfomances with interest presentation and linkages with real genuine outreach that isn't box ticking for funding.

Honestly... that is it. And it fine when you are talking to people who know who you are or are active in the field. But... you have to explain it to a funding body. So, there are questions to answer and criteria to meet that are quite confusingly worded... and everything needs to be addressed within a certain word limit. Oddly enough, it sounds very much like the crappy assignments that I've been complaining about writing for my Masters of Education... but in real life!

So, I've spent the better part of the day trying to write out details about what my project is, why it should be funded, and why it is good on the local and national stages. I have the support of many musicians and community members at the moment, so I can be confident that the project will go ahead regardless of the outcome of the funding application. but as I had mentioned before in yesterday's post... the prestige and recognition (and the grant itself) are the real critical parts of being successful in the application.

On a more immediate scale, I am sort of getting some practice at writing the grant applications... it really definitely is a skill and art involved to it. I'm not sure that I am very good at it... because I know what I want to do... and have to bend it concept to fit the criterion... rather than starting with the criterion and going the other way. I'm also not really very good at conveying the excitement, humour, passion and idealism that I feel for the project in mere words.... when people talk to me about it, I bubble and blather... but for this, I have a word limit. Hmmm... maybe I should do a video support piece.

My wife has just read the application (the answers to the critera), and she seems to think it is okay. Which is sort of a relief... I feel not that great about it... much like my assignments that I have written for the Education Masters, I feel like there is a core of a decent idea there... but the conveying of the concept is a little bit unfocused. More to the point, I'm not really making a great deal of effort to "hit the targets" of phrases and words... mostly because I think it all sounds wanky and meaningless. And it isn't my style of writing either...

Speaking of writing style... I couldn't help myself with a few wry jokes... which I think are absolutely hilarious, but my wife thinks is just a bit embarrassing. Nothing offensive or off-colour, but just little funny oddities that hopefully should amuse whoever "might" be reading it... if anyone reads it.

So, much like my Education assignments... I've hit the point of feeling like I've written what I want to write, in the manner that I want to write... and the funding body can take it or leave it. The project will go ahead regardless of the outcome of the application, but this has been piece of good practice at writing these things... I will be better equipped in the future... and even if it isn't accepted, then at least I have put my hand up to be noticed.

I will be thankful when I go back to just playing the violin next week!

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