Terracore - The referral system is a gold mine

Terracore play2earn game on the Hive blockchain appeared from nowhere and in a fraction of a second it pushed with the force of a wave and brought excitement and energy to the entire ecosystem from here. Without much buzz around it as after a cataclysmic event, this post-apocalypse science fiction blockchain game filled a void from Hive that the players were missing on. And once it appeared and with a lot entry point, many of the hivers from here joined it and tried to survive a scarce world where you can only search for $SCRAP and try to make the most of it.

Image source: Terracore - Gameplay main page


The saying that the early adopters reap the most rewards is quite true. Getting into the game right after it was released, I had the chance to find some precious $SCRAP tokens and sell them on the market to recoup my investment in less than 1 week. And that happened while I was also building up and leveling up Engineering, Damage, Defense and my Stash Size. And just from an investment point of view, that is amazing to be able to see your return back so fast and after that to simply yield from it and bag profits. But my focus is not only on that as by having such a horse vision doesn't take you further along in the game. So while I have sold some extra $SCRAP here and there, I have evolved quite a bit in the game and went up on the ladder one step at a time.

Image source: Terracore Hub - Marketplace and stats

Terracore Hub

In parallel with the growing the game - Terracore Game, a new dimension grew out of it where the players and investors can better manage their assets and see stats on them - Terracore Hub. From the hub you can do a lot of activities and it simply makes your life easier. Track your items and NFTs, go on a shopping spree on the market, explore planets and many other stats available gives you a wide choice of actions that you can do and an easy way to do that. The Hub keeps on growing like a space station from where you can do all at once.


Referral gold mine

With all these developments, I continue to grow within the game, but also get some nice returns out of the game. And one of them that I wanted to emphasize in this post is that I consider that the game has a strong referral system which for me is simply a gold mine. Not only that you can earn crypto and NFTs within the game, but you can make use of your writing skills and spread the word about the game and get a percentage of new players onboarding and getting their citizenship in order to be able to carry on their life within this realm. As you can see from the picture above, I am standing on a sweet 14th place on the Referral Ranking Board with 52 Hive received for onboarding new players. This is quite great for me and I hope to enter Top 10 at some point.

In conclusion all I have to say is that Terracore has multiple revenue stream that you must be blind in order not to try to tap on them and try to make the most of it. And as the game grow, I think this will become more and more appealing to new players and will provide new use cases. The journey so far was amazing and I am sure it will continue to bring us more pleasant surprises. So with that said, I encourage you not to stay aside but join the post apocalypse universe from Terracore and survive it while shaping a new destiny!

Come join a new world order in Terracore!

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