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Leo Finance community on Quora exploded and we have thousands daily visitors from a single question

As I have previously posted the Leo Finance community on Quora started to become self sustained and the members to participate more with content. While I didn't feel so good these days, I must confess that I didn't contribute too much with content, nor have I checked the stats on it. But today I had a new question to add on Leo Finance and share it there as well and when I logged in into Quora and went to the Leo Finance space I simply was amazed by the growth from there from few hundreds a day to few thousands. Not sure what has kicked this space into action, but the growth is more than 10x overnight. It is crazy what happens there and hopefully it can translate into more traffic and users onboarding on Leo Finance.

So let's see what has changed and also what achievements we've got on Quora space lately as well. Here are some key factors on 27-January-2021 from our previous report published on 21-January-2021. The growth is immense in less than 1 week and I hope it will hold up.

  • Crossed over 15kk views while previously we've reached 6.6k views )(+ 8.4k views)
  • Extended the followers base and reached 53 followers from which some of them are also contributors adding questions or pure content, from a previously baseline of 50 followers (+3 new followers)
    More than 206 items published (questions and posts), 148 upvotes and 16 comments

Here is a snapshot with Last 7 Days stats and overall infographics.I believe this are encouraging and what we have built here is to stay and organically grow.

Lets get some insight also into the Top Activity and Content in the past 7 days or more.

As it can be seen a single question has more than 3.9k views and this shows the potential of Quora platform and the opportunity it has to redirect traffic to Leo Finance. I must confess that I have added this question after participating to a liquidity pool and having to understand some of the concepts from there and one of them was the impermanent loss. This shows that the following question "What does impermanent loss means in the crypto world?" was a right move and brought so many views for it. Wished just that we had a clear answer on it posted by some users and I think this would have been a perfect storm for our user base.

Next I will be thinking how we can bridge better Quora with Leo Finance and try to capitalize the views from there and bring the users to our community. This is the key factor for mass adoption from such a well established website, probably will need to bring also some Leo Finance posting here to incentivise the Quora users to check Leo Finance.