Newbie After 3 months on the Blockchain

Greetings Fellow Hivers,

Today, I’m sharing what has now become a monthly ritual. After being introduced to PEAKD and HIVE by @dmilliz,@missaj and @fruityfruitz, I finally decided to join. I did so by making an introduction post at the start of this year on January 5, 2021. So today marks the end of my 3rd and start of my 4th month on the blockchain.
Month 3: Where am I now?

Indicator DescriptionAmount/ScoreComment
ReggaeJahm Tokens25,200This is my home base community. I use the @reggaejahm jahm tag for most of my posts.
Engage Tokens251I received these tokens for commenting and having conversations with community members.I learned that you need to have over 1000 before you can start giving them out. Of course you could also buy them if you wish.
HP293 +500I recently changed my reward setting from 50/50 to 100% HP. I also received a generous delegation of 500HP from @dmilliz.
Upvoted2,144I made 71 posts in 3 months. That’s about 24 posts posts per month. But of course quality may be better than quantity. My travel and food posts tend to get the most upvotes. Respect to @foodiesbeehive @haveyoubeenhere @pinmapple.
Reputation59.3My 3-month target was 60. However, I’m happy with the progress made. I’m working towards becoming a minnow.
EDS1I received this passive income token from the Saturday Savers Club @susie-saver @eddie-earner @shanibeer. It pays out about .004 HIVE every Monday. So it’s a gift that keeps on giving. 😆 . I hope to buy some in the future to earn some more passive income.

Questions from the Newbie?
As a newbie , three months in I still have a few questions. If you have any insights on any of these, please let me know in the comments.

  • Is the weekend a “peak” time on the blockchain?
  • What are the factors affecting the change in token values?
  • Who owns the information posted on the blockchain?

Communicative Weekend Groups/Challenges
Two groups that are very active on the weekend are THE WEEKEND and Saturday Savers Club.

(I)Saturday Savers Club- I try to participate in the conversations with @eddie-earner and @susie-saver on Saturdays. Club members tend to share their goals and the saving strategies that have worked for them.The Club organizers offer weekly prizes in SPI, EDS and ENGAGE tokens.

(II)THE WEEKEND- I haven’t personally participated in the weekend group but @fruityfruitz has. She joined 2 weeks ago and said that the chats are fun and engaging. The group leader chooses a topic and members speak freely about the given topic. Based on her feedback, I’ll be joining in on the conversation soon.

Idea for the Classroom
As a teacher, who moonlights as a blogger 😆, I can see instances where blockchain technology can be used for educational purposes. Using PEAKD like platforms, students could practice their writing by submitting articles daily. Within each school there could be a newspaper club consisting of students with varying interests. Within each club teams can be formed based on interests with each team having an assigned leader. Individual students would submit articles on the topics they are interested in and post within the interest group of their choice. The leaders and members of each interest group would then evaluate those submissions and select the ones with the best value content/form to be published in the weekly/monthly newspaper. Several iterations of this process would help students to improve their writing, peer evaluation and other skills. I wonder if the programmers out there would be willing to create a stand alone system like PEAKD for the classroom.

Does this already exist?
That being said, one possible opportunity on the blockchain would be a group that publishes the best work from all other groups on a weekly or monthly basis. I’ve only been here for three months so maybe this already exists and I’m simply not aware of it. Maybe that would require some collaboration among the 🐳s and curators in the room.

Stay Connected, Stay Blessed.

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