
Did you like the attention grabbing title? It's everyone! it's on zerohedge, it's on twitter, it's even on the main stream media! I guess people what me to know that their iphone 14 may be in limited production so I better buy buy buy!

It's MONDAY! What a beautiful day it is! Apparently the sky is falling in China though. Those Commies aren't going to crack down oh NO NO NO! Listen it's hilarious at this point. They locked us down, destroyed the world economy to usher in some new bullshit system to keep the circle jerk going. I don't think it is going to go down smooth, nor is this new system going to be widely accepted; at least initially.

They know that we know that they know that we know! It matters not! Everyone admires how China just does it! Well I do think human beings are getting fed up, but I also think we are too weak and too dumbed down to actually fight back. After all, once you lose your home and your ability to buy food it's hard to 'fight' back.



It's really sweet that Jim Rogers just finished his quarantine in CHINA. I guess even billionaires are subject to ass rapeage from time to time as well. Circa 2020 in CHINA? Well it's 2022 and they doubling down on their Covid Zero. I don't see Tianimen square protest, and even if it came down to it.. would just be a massacre.

There is no stopping this dystopian machine. It's probably better to plan how you will maneuver in such an environment. Just fire up your favorite dystopian movies and start taking notes.

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