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Autumn dreams

Poets and writers who glorified the beauty of nature in their works, gave autumn a special place such as a lyrical time of sadness and sorrow that follows the joyful summer but not forgetting the incredible beauty of autumn.

I can assume that such a somewhat flat view of autumn is due to the fact that many of these creative people were recluses and loved to sleep and saw in autumn only yellow, falling leaves of trees and pouring rains because of which they were afraid to get wet naked in the thick grass of the autumn forest.

But for those who are not afraid of this and for those who are passionate hunters at heart, autumn seems to be the ultimate dream and a very cheerful period.

Moreover, a hunter is not obliged to hunt game, he is also a fisherman he is also a mushroom picker and he is also a berry picker.

Also the sadness of the writers will not be shared by the farmer who collected a large harvest in the fall was able to sell it and for him this is also a time of fulfillment of dreams and a time of abundance.

It has been raining for several days you need to wait a little and mushrooms will appear in the forest.

Of course in addition to the rain, there should be warm weather but so far everything is going just the way the mycelium likes ready to release its wonderful mushrooms to the surface of the soil.

I said that mushroom picking is a gambling business and it is, because mushroom pickers have many competitors who closely monitor the weather and are also ready to wake up at the crack of dawn and go in search of mushrooms.

For mushroom pickers like me, who for technical reasons cannot get out into the forest many kilometers from the city, there is a chance to find some types of edible mushrooms in the outskirts of cities sometimes mushroom catches there can be huge if you know where to look, and these can be old parks.

Things are a bit worse in the acacia forest which is strange, because acacia is a legume and the soil around it should be very fertile, but no, mushrooms love birch which drinks all the water around itself and forms a root connection with the mycelium feeding it with its juices.

But if suddenly I see an oak, then this place becomes a close object of my attention, since the best types of mushrooms are located next to oaks, and these are boletus and even exquisite truffles although I don’t have a dog or a pig to collect the latter lol, but these are my autumn dreams.

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Material thoughts about beekeeping №1

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Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

