RE: A Fringe Skill That's Lucrative On Every Social Space

What an interesting way to start out. The presence of motivational quotes in our lives truly does not sort our problem with the word heard but the action that takes place after that, although we can't let off the fact that it gives us hope and this;

Staying positive is a mental state, but if your physical parameters do not support it, you will fail.

It sure is a mental state because we tend to let the words heard register in and plan ahead. However, if the country you are serves as a big obstacle, there's a higher percentage of failure to be gotten.

Steve Harvey is a very interesting man, and I do love his show. His voice, his reactions to things and all is very admirable but like you've said, with his personality and all, he still indirectly hurt his children with divorce because I believe no child will ever be happy of their parents divorce.

Reality is simply the way it is...

I concur. Reality clears your mind and puts you straight into action. It is the way it is.

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