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Splinterlands - First milestone of 10,000 SPS stake reached

I'm very glad to share with you all that I was able to reach my first milestone of 10,000 SPS yesterday. When I claimed my SPS tokens yesterday, I found out that I have already reached my first milestone. I'm going to continue further to reach 12,000 SPS that would give me 4 vouchers. I initially thought 10,000 should be enough for a good investment but then it appears that staking 12k SPS would give me 4 full Vouchers. So I decided to go with 12k.

The current market price of SPS is also looking good. I was thinking that as the days go by, the supply would increase and people will dump a lot of it in the market reducing the price of SPS. But it looks like the price is continuously increasing and not decreasing. The demand for more SPS is still at its peak. The main reason is that people think that it will be a good bet to purchase CL packs with SPS for the additional discount that we can get.

I want the price to stay stable for some more time so that I can sell a little for a high price and hold the remaining. I'm anticipating that the price of SPS would go down a bit in the next one or two weeks and then pump back when it is close CL release. People will again go crazy about purchasing CL packs with SPS so there will be a huge demand for SPS. This is what I think.

Nice tool to check splinterlands stats

Thanks to @achim03. He shared this tool on Noise cash and that is when I came to know about this tool. It was very interesting to check this tool. @tehox has done a great job in developing this tool. I guess this tool will get handy for investors and players to check their stats. It is always motivating to check the stats. That helps us plan our growth and investment.

There was a new feature added to the tool to check the number of vouchers one would get for the amount of SPS stake. I visited the site to check that and later found out that the site has so many other features. We will be able to find out the rich list based on different tokens, we can check the profile information, and many such things. I was even thinking that splinterlands should allocate some funds to motivate people like @tehox who spend their time to display these stats. The reason is that the main site is not up to the mark and there is no proper documentation for the developers as well. In spite of that people are coming up with such amazing tools. It is a great thing and we need more third-party tools similar to this.

I just checked the stats once again and noticed that for a 12k stake I won't be getting full 4 Vouchers. It is letting low as the total stake is increasing. But however, I think there will be a huge competition for the vouchers probably. Let's see how it goes.