Crypto auditing companies about to take a hit?


I can't say I'm surprised because these things are honestly in the control of "the system" because for starters, these auditors are centralized companies, thus, having a central control unit that could either stand in for conversations or be called out makes it simply easy for the authorities to get involved.

This of course is something we've been discussing over the last year more specifically as crypto scrutiny from the governments and its outrageously large number of proposed, elected and ruled into office board of authorities have been on the rise.

The conversations and activities of these authorities, up until this point has shown to be largely focused on fucking up the great works of the ecosystem, there simply hasn't been a clear footed acknowledgement of the values built into this industry, not from an economic point of view neither socially. Of course, it's no longer a tale for the corners that the fundamental values for building up this ecosystem has its potential to offset "the system" and so, we've clearly been running up on some crazy amount of power.

That said, regardless of the unlimited resources the system has to pull down all opposition, it simply lacks the ability to fight what doesn't exist. Now before we get into explaining that, let's take a look at what brings all of this up in the first place.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and another prominent colleague urged the U.S. auditing watchdog to take action against “sham audits” of crypto companies, citing the contribution of such audits to the recent stresses in the U.S. banking system.coindesk

If you know me well, you'd know that I instantly, without the slightest chance for a second thought call this out to be bullshit, I mean, "stresses in the U.S. banking system"?

When I saw the headlines, I expected to see more reasonable points on why audits companies should be given more close attention, I mean, I personally can tell you that it screams "crypto politics" which simply means that we're sitting in and letting people build the "fraud platform" for the crypto space.

Do we not realize that a sizable amount of crypto projects can pay off these companies to report shits about their protocols or networks that aren't true? I'd say be careful when using "audits" as a determinant of what's safe and what's not in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, I mean, was Bitcoin taken to some audit doctor to earn some sort of "network is safe" type of approval?

Audits do not need to be widely publicized the way they are, because this is basically something a rather diverse number of researchers/companies and individuals could indulge in for numerous purposes, but of course, every shit has to be open source in the first place for that to work.

But then again, the authorities happen to always state the stupidiest shits on their list of reasons to go affect projects in crypto, really.

Decentralization is immortality

Remember when I said something about how it's impossible to go after something that doesn't exist? Well, Hive for example doesn't exist as a company. If any truth has to be told, it's just a name to distinguish our website and database, the reality is that the network is so virtually designed that it has no actual direct links to the real world that would pose a significant threat.

This is something most crypto projects lack - immortality and it comes from being decentralized as a blockchain, a DeFi platform or some other projects. Like the audits companies, it will be rather easy to go after them because there's always going to be someone to call out, but in the case of hive, is like having a murder case in a high school and all students come off saying they did it or all stand to say it never happened, what are you going to fuckin do? arrest all of them?

Of course, detaining them for a while is something but other than that, there's really nothing you can do that can cause greater damage, and in the crypto space "detaining" could simply be likened to consistent public threats or spread of FUD in an attempt to slow down developments, but all that really don't eventually break the ecosystem because everyone is a "serial don't give a fuck" down here.

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