RE: Top 100

Hurling your insults and venting frustration in such a childish and comical way all the while acting like some kind of intellectual superior. Isn't it painfully obvious that your emotional intelligence is just scraping the gutter?

Awww, you're hurt, I'm dumb, emotionally dumb too, who fucking cares moron? I could piss on your face and tell you the truth, not giving a fuck you're swallowing my urine. You're more concerned with my "sensibility" than you're with my rebuke, such a fucking despicable evasion betraying your intention of preaching, what a slimy faggot.

You haven't gained anything from this comment. Not a single step of progress, and the best part being that you knew this was the case as you were writing it, but you wrote it anyway because you don't know how else to voice your frustration.

Sure bro, whatever your self needs to cope with the fact you can't address abuse. That cope makes it easy to ignore reality and facts, fuck it even lets you mind read.

How's it feel to be so smart and yet so dumb? If you don't have communication, you don't have anything. Those are the rules of humanity and the cooperation required to actually get shit done.

Your shit. Utter crap, but if you really care keep asking.

You accuse me lacking integrity, honesty, and objectivity, but it really feels like you're just projecting your own bullshit onto me.

O yes, you accuse me of, and I Quote:

You haven't gained anything from this comment. Not a single step of progress, and the best part being that you knew this was the case as you were writing it, but you wrote it anyway because you don't know how else to voice your frustration.

So? Who cares?

Do you really not understand what I mean by a 51% attack on Hive? I thought I described it pretty well, and I think you understand perfectly well and you're just pretending not to in order to "gain the upper hand" once again. Not very honest of you. Lacks integrity imo. Tell me more about how 'objective' you're being with a comment like this. Super comical on all fronts. Thanks for the laugh.

I could ask you any number of "Why are you retarded" or "Doy you not get" and accuse you of pretending not to understand, but then in what universe would I stoop so low, to preach like a faggot fanboy and chastise like one.

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