Abundance Economy: Is humanity ready?

The major thing that the legacy economy has taught us is that it does not work for everyone. Many throughout the world live in a dystopian existence of fight or flight. Others have given their personal freedoms to State actors who will give them no security. Instead, these State actors receive Federal Reserve Note assistance in order to increase their power over their populace.

As we can all witness many of these nations are at this moment “banning” Bitcoin and blockchain tech. This power grab is to insure their populace cannot trade in other currencies. Instead, they are forced to exist in this dystopia of poverty and hyperinflation. At it’s core it is cruel and inhumane.

What this should teach all of us are the dangers that occur when the State and money are one. State actors will do everything they can not only to maintain power but to outlaw freedom. The saddest part is that ultimately the people are the ones that suffer. Much of the assistance that is given via the legacy system does not reach the intended populace.

However, there is no free lunch when it comes to tyranny. When people become hungry seeds of revolution begin to sprout like wild weeds. Poverty at it’s core will make any man a dangerous lion. A wounded lion is the most dangerous creature on earth.

Tyrants will never learn the easy way. History is riddled with individuals thirsty for power. And in the end it is their own populace that turns against them. Scarcity and control will never work.

Instead, freedom for all is the answer. Abundance technology is now available for all of mankind. Blockchain is serving this purpose as we speak. Yet, lets peak into my crystal ball 🔮 for what is to come.

Robotics have yet to gain mainstream appeal. Frankly, the cost factor has inhibited this market place. Yet, computers went through the same type of process. It is only a matter of time before low cost+AI=mass adoption.

What this will do for mankind is beyond belief. Firstly, it will remove the concept of low end jobs that are on the way out. This will in turn give people more free time to exist. They will have the chance to truly be free.

As I’ve mentioned previously blockchain will become integrated with robotics. The two are meant to complement one another. The legacy system was not built for this age. It is why I believe it will be phased out to some capacity.

The machines and the productive capacity will fuel a true age of abundance. Yet, the tokenization of each machine will bring more value to the entire world. These tokens can then be mined by the entire market place. A Govt UBI will not be required.

Now this process will not be easy. There will be a great deal of push back from the counter productive ones. These counter productive ones intend to keep things the same. They would prefer man to be dumbed down via control mechanisms and dogma.

There are many other technologies that I will discuss at a future date. Tech that can provide for the needs of the people. Obviously, food and shelter are number one on my list. And of course clean water.

I believe humanity is now ready to be free and abundant. And not just 9-5 abundant but Bill Gates abundant. The scarcity mindset has run it’s course. It’s just time.

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