How I Made $1 Within Five Minutes By Holding $11 USDT In My TrustWallet...?💰

It was the yesterday morning that i received sms from my friend about the passive income website and that website is mining website. She said she was working there from more than two weeks and earned daily $0.33 by doing nothing. The work was simple we just need to hold the 11 USDT in our Trustwallet and connect the wallet with that website.
The website seem trustful because we need to hold our USDT in our own wallet so i decided to join that website and convert my different cryptocurrencies holding in USDT which was worth of $11.

I have more than $6 in BNB while other 5 USDT i bought through fiat money.

After this my friend sent me the link of joining that website.

She said copy this link and paste in the browser of Trustwallet, then the website got permission from you by connecting your wallet with that website. I did it....

After connecting my wallet, my account was finally created there. The website interface is be like that;

I asked my friend what i need to do next because i didn't see any option of start mining. She said wait for a few minutes and within five minutes there will be the $1 which you need to claim which was like the signup bonus then your mining will be start. After five minutes that $1 in my wallet.

And mining also started there.

This thing gave me the vibes that website will be the scam. Because they didn't ask for any email address or password for creating the account there. Also there is no specific name of that website. I opened my YouTube account and searched about Receive Voucher Mining website review and everyone saying that the mining app in Trustwallet are scam, first they give you profit and later on run off by stoling all money from your wallet.

After listening these videos i transferred my all holdings from Trustwallet to my Binance account and delete that wallet from my mobile.

Closing Thoughts:

In this way i made $1 within five minutes by holding 11 USDT in my TrustWallet plus also gain the experience of never joining the any kind of mining websites in future😁.

Thanks For Reading.....!

Image Source:

Lead image is created by me while other all images are screenshot from my wallet and YouTube.

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