RE: POSH development and further near-term plans

Ok, this is going bigger and bigger with everyday! Just, wow!

The ability to earn even without having a Hive account is also huge for the project, as it will prevent people from feeling forced doing something they don't want, allowing them to embrace Hive beacause they WANT, and not because they HAD to do it.

As I've read some time ago in a @taskmaster4450's post, we need citizen, not users: letting people see and touch with their hands the power of Hive, while saying "you can join, IF you want", seems a fabolous way to onboard people really interested in Hive, and not only in earning some money.

We will of course also look into adding more currencies/networks such as BSC/POLYGON/etc depending on demand.

I've always been a great fun of cross-chain projects and I'd love to see posh expand on more chains possible!


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