Time for a spring clean (english)

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Spring is slowly but surely arriving here, and that's what awakens the first spring fever.
And what should definitely not be missing?
That's right - a proper spring clean!


So it's time for me to give my HIVE account a good dusting.
I'm going to do this according to the following plan:

  1. Rough sorting of my tokens
  2. Check based on the following criteria:
    a. What kind of token is this? What is behind it?
    b. Does the token benefit me?
    c. Have I planned something with this token?
    d. Do I use the token ?

If I come to the conclusion that I absolutely no longer need some tokens, then I would like to sell them.
In this way, I hope to reduce my account to a maximum of 20 valuable tokens.
Will I succeed? Hard to say.

Important! This is not investment advice. If I come to the conclusion that I personally do not use tokens, then this is not fully transferable.
Nevertheless, I would like to encourage everyone to carry out a spring clean and report on it.
Feel free to link the article below, I'm sure one or two HSBIs will jump out at you.

I can roughly categorize my tokens like this:

  1. Splinterlands tokens
  2. Distributing L2 tokens
  3. Tip tokens
  4. Game tokens
  5. Others


  1. Splinterlands tokens

I currently own some Splinterlands tokens.

  • DEC
  • SPS
  • Untamed Packs
  • Chaos Legion Packs
  • Riftwatchers Packs
  • Rebellion Packs
  • Nightmare Packs
  • Vouchers

I entered the blockchain world via Splinterlands. It's been a while now and a lot has changed. Nevertheless, I am still a huge fan of Splinterlands. I'm pretty sure that in a next crypto bull run Splinterlands can also benefit greatly. I also love the gameplay and am convinced that this game has a bright future.
However, now I have to look at each token individually:


  • DEC Token
    Every Splinterlands player will know DEC. The Dark Energy Crystals are the main means of payment in Splinterlands. That's why I decided to give something back to the Splinterlands community with my giveaway. And that is DEC. If you're interested, check out my blog for more.
    I currently work with this position on a daily basis, so I won't be changing anything.
    I also hold a small amount of DEC in Splinterlands, just like in the Liquidy Pool. There even a little over 20k. So I don't think I need to change anything in this position either.


  • SPS Token
    SPS Tokens are, as you know, the government token behind Splinterlands. Unfortunately, I have to say that this token has suffered a lot in recent times. So it is currently hardly worth anything. I currently have almost 9k stacked in my Splinterlands account. I also hold around 1.2k in a Liquidy Pool. Consequently, it only makes sense to keep a part of it liquid for myself. I therefore have a certain position in HIVE-Engine. I planned this position to provide liquidity in the short term if necessary. I will therefore not change anything in this position at the moment, but will sell something if necessary.


  • Untamed Packs

It's been a long time now since Untamed was current in Splinterlands.
I got into Splinterlands at that time, so I have a certain connection to this series. I bought a pack shortly before it was sold out, hoping for an increase in value.
This also happened. Unfortunately, I missed the sale at the peak. I have held on to this pack ever since.
In the meantime, I have come to the conclusion that I should sell the pack. I can invest the HIVE more effectively. Unfortunately, I don't see any more crazy price jumps.
I have therefore put my pack on the market.


  • Chaos Legion Packs

Originally I had hoped for the same thing with Chaos Legion Packs as with Untamed. After the packs sold out, I was hoping for a significant price increase.
Well, that hasn't been the case so far. I currently see no need to sell the packs at a loss, so I'm holding on to them for now. If in doubt, I can always sell them later. Until then, I'm hoping for a certain recovery.
I think that's the most sensible thing to do at the moment.


  • Riftwatchers Packs

I actually still have 16 Riftwatchers packs at the moment. In the meantime, these packs were once really worth something and I had considered selling them. Unfortunately, we are now miles away from that point.
I can't sell them at the moment with a clear conscience.
I am therefore currently considering a fair price and will put the packs on the market when the time is right.


  • Rebellion Packs

I actually still own a Rebellion Pack. This is in my Splinterlands account and is lying dormant.
I am of the opinion that I should not sell it yet. The prices for Rebellion deer cards keep going crazy and I don't think they've peaked yet.
So I'll hold on to this pack for now and see what happens.


  • Nightmare Packs

I can't really say exactly why I own a Nightmare Pack. I suppose in the past I also wanted to benefit from the Splinterlands expansion.
Unfortunately, I'm only a small fish and couldn't invest a lot of money. Looking back, that's a good thing. At the moment I'm still sitting on a pack. It's currently still stacked and should give me SPS rewards.
I can't say whether that's still the case. I don't spend enough time on it for that. With a price of 3-4 HIVE, I'm not making a big loss if it stays there.

In the long term, however, it is definitely a position that needs to be liquidated!


  • Voucher

For me, vouchers are currently simply a by-product that occasionally arises from the stacked SPS. I can't do much with them and will probably never use them.
So far, I've missed all the opportunities to sell my vouchers properly. However, I will definitely think about the price at which I want to sell my vouchers and then I will liquidate this position.
My spring cleaning was worth it for this position alone!

If I haven't forgotten anything, these should be all my Splinterlands tokens.
The next step will be to take a look at my L2 tokens.

I'm always very grateful for tips and hints, so please don't be shy!
Also feel free to do a spring clean and link it here, there are some HSBI waiting 😄

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