StoneToss made 1.2 million USD in 22 minutes on his NFT sale on OpenSea

TMW you're rethinking your whole life


Stone made bank but later got delisted because of Confederate Flag flurks


Do I believe he should have been delisted?

It depends on the context really. It's not as though every pro-Confederate is an advocate of slavery. Some are able to rightly see the nuance regarding State's rights versus the Fed.

No, I am not planning on getting in extensive threads about the civil war but will gladly accept DMs if you have a concern.


(Others will likely be ignored unless it's Blocktrades or Dan because I like money as much as the next guy)

Before you try to hop on my post calling me a "rAyCis", do me a solid and watch the 15 hour "Europa: The Last Battle" documentary.

Perhaps, it will shatter your worldview as it had mine. Take heed. Many of the things we were taught in school just are not so. We are all capable of critical thought so let's use it, friends.



  1. Genocide is bad.
  2. Racial homogeneity is good. (Mostly due to the fact that people of the same race have a tendency to be culturally compatible. This should be common sense.)
  3. Centralization is bad (Shout out to centralized banking cartels)

That's all I got. Stay redpilled my friends 👌

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