RE: When was the last time you checked your witness votes? Was it the Steem/Hive hard fork? Or Never?


  1. Find something that was formerly considered a conspiracy theory that has been downvoted that is now considered truth or has been vindicated. Think things that legacy media would have deplatformed and censored such as the notion that vaccines would be mandated or the Wuhan lab theory (although I have had friends dispute the latter)
  2. Attempt to distinguish downvoting that is motivated on ideology versus tht which is purely disagreement of rewards. We know some justify their negative curation because they believe users don't offer value to Hive and do not include links to our beloved Blockchain. I think that may be a fair assessment. Find the cases that do not qualify as that.

I feel somewhat caught in the middle of this thing as I have people I would consider friends on both sides but vehemently oppose ideological downvotes. The question I feel they must ask themselves is what incentive is their behavior providing the current legacy social media's censorship / deplatform targets to join Hive if they exhibit similar conduct as those censors.

My contention is our target demographic tends to not be left oriented on the political compass and thus their behavior is not conducive to onboarding said users. Take it with a grain as of course I am biased but then again we all are to some extent.

Anyways, Kenny I appreciate your post and stance for freedom of speech. Hopefully these stakeholders will eventually come around. 🙏

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