The importance of having a Digital Identity

The general topic of brand building is a popular one nowadays on X. Everyone is an expert and has an opinion on this topic, some are delusional but other arguments have an actual foundation and make a case for using social media for brand building.

The main problem is that these people are using X to build their brand and grow their network.

This approach would be wrong for any brand builder on any non-web3 topic, but for people who are versed in the Crypto and NFT space, using web2 to build a brand is simply unwise - to avoid using the word idiotic.

Brand Building in web3

Anyone who knows about blockchain technology and actually understands it, knows that building a brand in web2 is the biggest liability, and the best hedge against big tech is to have your headquarters in web3, but let's get in-depth on this for those who don't get it.


Having a Web3 Digital Identity is going to be extremely important very soon.

Centralized platforms have full ownership of your account, content, and followers.

They even control your monetization funnels.

The second they decide you're no longer an asset for them, you will get erased.

  • You will lose access to your account.
  • Your content will disappear.
  • Your comments and interactions will get deleted.
  • Your follower will be gone - for you.

Your brand and your ability to monetize your network will vanish.

You will leave no trail.

Except maybe for the account name that will no longer have anything under it.

You never existed.

The worst part is that you brought this upon yourself.

In the end, you focused all your time, resources and effort into building your brand in web2.

You had it coming.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

You are playing by their rules. You signed their terms and conditions. You gave them this power.

You spent all this time, resources, and effort into building a brand that you don't own.

They own your digital identity.

They own you.

Big Tech already controls the narrative, and they are in bed with the government.

We still have free will, but there is barely any privacy for the average citizen.


How long until they go from trespassing your privacy into controlling what is privacy?

And then of course, deciding that you are not entitled to said privacy or control.

The only way you and I can deal with this, and start a silent movement, is by having a web3 digital identity.

A web3 digital identity that we fully control, that we own completely.

A digital identity that nobody can take away from us.

And that can only happen in web3.

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