Passive income as fuck

I write content on Hive. If you are reading this, odds are, you also write content on Hive. We are both Hive authors, most likely in the form of articles.

The quality of said articles can vary depending on the author, their home country, their english level, the amount of time put into every post, the intrinsic talent of the person behind the keyboard, and much more, but that's basically it.

I've been part of Hive for almost five years and, considering that on an average week I write around five posts, that means that I've written more than 1,000 posts.

There's gotta be 50 of them worth reading, would you agree?

I'm not so sure. The thing is, nowadays everyone and their grandma is a published author and in this time and age, if you are not generating passive income you are basically stupid.

I'm not generating any passive income. I guess I'm stupid. Which is exactly why I decided to look more into Amazon's self publishing tool.


Excuse the boomer tier image, I just needed to have a thumbnail cause statistics say that people vote and open posts less if there's no thumbnail.

It all began a few weeks ago when I stumbled upon an article stating that suburban housewives and high school bozos were making a couple thousand a month just by publishing crap - literal crap they write during their crap time - every few months, getting a few thousand copies sold before publishing their next crap compilation.

That got me thinking. I already have a lot of crap published on Hive, and it is my property. How about I compile the best crap within this pile of crap that I call blog, and publish said golden compilation of the very best of anomad?

I've always called myself a writer before anything else

I'm not a marketer even though I have a marketing and administration degree. I'm not a psychologist even though I have like half the credits from uni and have read ten times more books than any psychologist graduated in the past 3 years. I definitely don't call myself a trader or a crypto expert even though I spend most of my time in the cryptoverse. I am definitely not a dog cuddler despite what my four dogs think.

I'm a writer, or at least that's what I like to think. The thing is, I've never, ever been published. That's some shit tier writer if you ask me.

Turns out, everyone and their grandma can self-publish on Kindle for Amazon.

I went ahead and did some research and apparently it's not hard at all to publish. The hard part is to actually get the book out there and land some sales so it starts trending and thus, it gets promoted by the algorithm and more people buy it - and God knows people love to buy crap, especially if it is marketed correctly.

Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it?

Well, I'll tell you how easy it is, and I'll definitely let you know if it is worth your time and effort.

Who knows, odds are, if you've been part of Hive for a while now, you might as well have some material ready to be tweaked and published.

Sounds like passive income that could mean more dirty Fiat ready to be injected into your crypto portfolio, isn't it?

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