Getting out of the Comfort Zone

I am trying something new today.

I don’t have the time anymore to write a lot of long form posts but I do have time when I am driving.

Lately I have been participating in a lot of X spaces during the week, so I am both going to work out and train my english pronunciation and at the same time I am going to dictate a long form post for hive.

It’s a Saturday. It's 4 PM.

I have been working through all the morning and part of the evening and I decided to stay home. I didn’t want to go out.

I feel like I am no longer able to have normal conversations with regular people, I get bored very easily if the person that I’m building rapport with doesn't hold the same values and thoughts, and shares the same views on life as I do.

I mean I am incredibly anti-system and I am very anti-government and most people are pro government. This leads me to have zero interest in having conversations with 90% of the population. I just don’t really care about what people who are pro government, pro system, pro not having any kind of responsibility.

Anything they do I just don’t care and I prefer to spend time with myself and learning time, making money, even at the expense of my social interactions or my social life.

Now don’t get me wrong.

Of course I know there is a lot to learn from everyone and from every interaction I try to have something to gain even if it’s mentally, psychologically, experience, or just learning from the other person at a personal level, but the biggest currency we have right now is our time with whom we have to spend our time and want to spend more time then we are destined and we are doomed to end up poor.

if you don’t know how to manage your time and how to set some of it aside for yourself today, you are going to end up with no time for yourself.

Man, I am so much of I conspiracy theorist. I am such a weirdo that doesn’t like what 99% of the people like. I am probably a schizo, but I don’t enjoy anything that normal people enjoy.

Conversations that just waste time talking about meaningless topics, spending time with people you are not going to see again and that add nothing to the conversation, people who do not bring anything to the table so you’re just literally wasting your breath by interacting with these guys.

So why do it?

I simply stopped doing it.

I have very few friends. I don’t have a big social life. In fact, the people that I engage with the most are part of the hive blockchain or part of X, formerly Twitter, and dude I just realized that I prefer to spend my time on X spaces over going out ona Saturday evening with friends. It’s not like I have many friends but those few that I do, we don’t really align anymore. That’s fine, I’m not saying that as a spiritual girl or a Bohemian Hippie. I actually mean it, I don’t find anything in common with most people that live here in my home country, in my hometown, or in my neighborhood. And that is fine.

Today was a bucket of ice cold water for me.

I realized that I just prefer reading or listening to podcasts or tuning in to X spaces. I’m going out on a Saturday evening and I mean I have always been kind of an introvert and I’ve never had real friends in general but I am outgoing at the same time. If you have met me in person then you know that I am good with people, I have people skills, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t like having them or that I use them in my normal life in my social life.

I do have people skills, but I use them whenever I have to not because I want to. I have always been a reader an avid reader.

I think that the time that I was 12 years old I was already on to my 100 books and since then I never stopped. I never really stopped until over the past five years. I haven’t had enough time to actually read as much as I want to, but that doesn’t mean I stopped reading the past two years. I have been doing a lot of research lot of technical reading. I still don’t do it as much as I want to because for me, you need a social life especially if you are sharing your life with someone else, but I just enjoy so much more to simply stay home, tune into a podcast, read a book, work on my projects, do something meaningful.

But yeah, that’s the current state of things.

I am not going to edit this document. I am going to post it that way the voice thing you detected.

I am going to get better at this. I have to drive on my own at least 3- 4 times a week so every time I do that I’m going to take out the device that has everyone addicted to and I will simply start telling it what I want and dictate a post.

I’m going to dictate my posts and I will get better at this and that means I have to get rid of all the filler words, you know, uhm, ahh, like, sort of.

I am eventually going to be one of the best speaker, but I have to improve my pronunciation, my fluidity, my wording, my flow and basically every kind of skills that I need to be one of the best speakers on X.

I am going to work on them 3 -4 times a week, probably even more so I am bound to get better because in the end practice makes perfect and if you want to become the best, it’s something you have to put in the time you have to put in the effort the most importantly you have to put in the focus.

Focus and concentration, two of the most valuable skills nowadays, that is one of the most valuable assets you can have because in this day and age, everything is meant to distract us.

Everything is built to steal attention from us.

Everything has marketing all the things around us have a way to stop you from concentrating from focusing. Our phones are full of notifications all the time with the advertisement everywhere, and in the end, if you can find a way to focus for more than 3 to 4 hours a day that is more than enough to finish anything you want to finish, That is more than enough time to work on a project for 3 to 4 months and have everything done by the end of that time spot so it’s just a matter of you taking the reins of your life. I’m starting doing stuff and now I’m rambling. I stopped being focused on the main topic so I won’t stop. I think this is cute enough to post for my first iteration so please let me know what you think about it. I will edit this post in the sense that I will add spaces I will add comments I would I will fix any thing that looks stupid grammar or reduction by all of the ideas are going to be here. All of the little mistakes are going to be recorded, and then I will be able to look back in time and see how much I have improved rules be good for me, and I will be able to get encouragement from my former self and see how much I have grown fond of 1 to 3 and then four months maybe four months I will look back at this one this first one. I realize that I have the flow, the fluidity and I am at La Quinta now and I can portray and frame my ideas the best way possible to capture the audience that I’m so desperate to find and capture to retain from excess pieces which have proven to be the most important way to attract new users to hive so please do please do.

So please drop the feedback that you have please if you have the time, read this, read this whole post, you have anything to add. I will much gladly read it reply, and use it as powder for me to for me to get better at this.

Yeah, that's supposed to be me according to midjourney. Don't worry, I'm not delusional, I don't

have as much beard 🤣

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