Back to back is back again

I am writing this post back to back with this one. Why? Because I have time, and time is of essence whenever you are trying to create content on Leo, or at least high quality content that is, because anyone can create crap in no time on Hive.

And you know what? They are entitled to that. It's their birthright just for being part of this decentralized ecosystem. And they should do it if they want. Nobody will bat an eye. As long as they have Resource Credits and as long as they want to dedicate their time to compose shit, it is their right to do so.

I prefer to create quality content, or at least quality for my own standards. I write first for myself, secondly for my son to read at some point, and third for you, the audience. This doesn't mean I don't give a crap about you, I do - in fact, comment here, reblog and vote this asap -, it just means that I am using my birthright of writing whatever the fuck I feel like to, however the hell I want to, and whenever the crap I decide to.

If you like it, nice69. If you don't, sadpepe,jpg

But either way, I am going to keep creating content here. I like expressing myself, it helps me organize my thoughts, get the bullshit off my system, get my ducks in a row regarding specific topics, and also to get inspiration from comments and other content I read in order to get inspired to write my own. It's a perfect loop. It's the Hive loop.

It's a loop hard to master. If you don't believe me ask @hivetrending. Writing on Hive is easy, creating good content is hard, and getting rewards for it is a gargantuan odyssey that requires consistency, effort and talent. It's not for everyone.

A few days ago I was chatting with HiveTrending and we were talking about how hard it is to stay consistent on Hive and how difficult it is to compose quality publications on a daily basis, and how even if you are inspired you might not have time - the first line of this post. But if you have both, you are in luck, and you should take the bull by the horns, take that chance and create as much content as you can. You can then schedule it for later.

I struggle a ton with content creation nowadays. Back in the golden days I used to compose two high quality posts per day, and they got a ton of rewards, people loved them and I was able to stack a ton of cryptocurrency for them. Nowadays, I struggle to write two days in a row.

Last week I posted 6 days of the week, and I think that was my most prolific week regarding content creation in at least 4 months.

Then, I stopped.

You see, one of the key factors of creating content on Hive that no prolific author wants you to know, is that once you gain momentum and manage to get on a posting spree or streak, content flows out of you naturally. Getting to that state of creation is hard, but once you do, man, content flows through your mind into your fingers to land on the keyboard for you to present it online to the 7 Hive content consumers we have.

I stopped posting content. I killed my spree. I RIPed my streak because I didn't have time that day. And then, the negative streak began. It took me almost a full week to sit down and start creating content again and now, look at me, I am writing two posts in a row.

I mean, GothamChess does it. He has 4 million subs on Youtube. He's currently traveling through Europe and he's creating content from the Hotel rooms after a day of touristing. Yesterday he posted a video that he recorded the day before, right after recording the one he posted on the day he recorded both.

So if he can do it, I can definitely do it.

Now all I’m gonna do is schedule this post using LeoFinance’s scheduling feature and forget about this, so tomorrow I can focus on partnerships with other projects in July.

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