RE: HIVE Had Its Worst* Year in 2023 - Here is How LeoAds + SEO Can Help

The age of HIVE is not a very simple matter.

It's either not a very complex one. When devs built the fundamental structure of the Hive blockchain to launch it as it is, they needed an interface. The first and only interface at the very beginning was, and it's publically available data that this domain was registered on March 11, 2020.
So, the Hive age doesn't seem very complicated to me.

If, on the other hand, you would like to count the age of the Hive blockchain by the date when it was accepted on CoinMarketCap (as the world's most-referenced price-tracking website for crypto-assets) where the HIVE coin was listed first, then the date is March 27, 2020.
So, as you may see, however you turn it around, the age of the Hive is calculated from March 2020.

My account is shown to be around since 2017 no matter what front end or block explorer you use. There are content and transaction histories dating back to 2016.

LOL 😂 - I would really love it if you could show me those blocks containing content and/or transactions that your account (this one) was able to produce even before its creation.

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