I Bought 89 Vruz Cards today

The promo sale for the first-ever SPS staked promotion card is here and the card name is Vruz. The shield is life and it will continue for another 4 days. It was started on 21st March and the duration of the sale is 7 days so there is no need to rush but if you are planning to buy then I would suggest going for it without the delay.


My purchase eligibility

I had 89k sps when the snapshot was taken hence I am eligible to buy 89 cards in total and I did by all because it is a common card and I want to have as many as possible. I wanted to buy more but this option is not available which is okay anyways and I will see if I can get the card in the market I had a better price to level up my card. I use all my eligibility to claim all 89 cards and I got 85 standard and 4 gold foil cards.


I have seen the price in the market where the standard card price is approximately 0.52 USD and for the gold version, it is almost 7.4 usd. I am glad that I got 4 gold foil cards and this is a very good use of vouchers. Maybe the value of this card will drop later on as they will be many more sellers in the market.


Upgraded my Vruz

This is a common card and it comes with a Mana cost of two but the speed is pretty good on a level that we can get up to 7. I have combined all my 85 cards and now it is on level 5 with two abilities including sneak and Martyr. The second ability is new to me and I am not familiar with this so I will be trying my hands on this to understand how it works. There is an option to get another ability called a true strike which will unlock the on level 10. I can say that I have got the better abilities at my level and if I want the third one then I will need to have 315 more cards which are not easy as of now. I'll be using this card for my battles from now onwards and hopefully, this is going to be a fantastic card in low-mana battles. After the upgrade, the value of this card is approximately $45 but I am not going to sell it.


I always try to participate in promotional sales because this is a good opportunity to buy cards that are powerful in the game and we can grab them at a lower price during the sale. The last card that I purchased a few months back was Lux vega and this is the first-ever neutral Summoner card. It cost me around 750 US dollars but now I have seen the price today which is 1250 USD and it made me feel happy that I had taken the right decision at the right time. Total circulation is limited for this card and I was lucky enough to be one as all the cards were sold out in less than 1 minute. That's not all because I will also be participating in future promo sales and these are more valuable cards in my account.

There is no hurry to buy this card during the period but I still recommend going and buying as soon as possible because there is no point holding on to this and I do not prefer to do things at the last moment. The process is super easy and will hardly take 12 minutes for the transaction to take place and then you are good to go. I am not sharing any type of financial advice here but if you are in the game then I would say you should be participating in these events to make a better investing experience and also to add more valuable cards to your collection.

I have not combined my gold cards because I am trying to see how things will be unfolded and even if I upgrade now then also it is not going to help because I am running one card short to achieve the next ability. Gold cards are always the best ones in terms of rewards however these are expensive so whenever we get free gold cards then we must not miss the opportunity to grab as many as possible.

(Images are from splinterlands site)

Thank you

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