0 Proofofwork - Marketing Sexy Hacks and Systems

Hi again!

Today I've noticed that my personal email is FULL with notifications, newsletters, etc. I will unsubscribe from many of them just after I finish writing this.


Me and Aly, we have delivered webinars, had lead pages, and so on over the years, we used to send newsletters also, but nothing too aggressive or like Guerilla Internet Marketing...we had decency in a way.

It’s fun and seductive to try shortcuts in business.

My email feed is full of sexy promises, and quick-fix remedies these days.

Things like;

“25 days of social media content!”

“Instant Sales Scripts”

“7-figure Webinars!”

Have you seen any of these kinds of promises? I'm sure you did and you know what I'm writing about.

Unfortunately, most ‘hacks’ like these result in momentary wins, or piecemeal progress. (If they work at all, that is.)

Here is what I know and what I am certain about:

‘Hacks’ never create overall, sustainable success for a business.

A simple, comprehensive, proven SYSTEM that addresses all areas of business will.
I want PROOF. Proof of Work, social and professional, business proof. I want to see as much info as possible that a system is working. Usually, I get my proof from Hive, Reddit, and Quora. But even Quora is not that reliable anymore.

I need these people who write that kind of stuff to show me a system for building a transformation business that has worked for thousands of clients for over a decade! Or over 1 year or over 1 month BUT something with huge impact and which can be proven!

Hacks are for hacks. But systems are Sexy. Especially when they work. That's why I look for as much information as possible when I need to know something about a product or a service.

Growing a business is kind of like losing weight.

There may be a few tricks to accelerate things… but in the end, it comes down to a simple formula; Eat less, Move more.
In crypto, I think it's good to sell less and hold as much as possible in projects that are visionary, complex, valuable in their goals. Investment is also a great opportunity!

Enough...I go clean that personal email and I'll be back soon.

Thank you for reading!

Maybe I'll find some goodies in my inbox...I hope Aly won't be reading this.



Joke - @dustsweeper can you come and clean my inbox?

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