Tesla loves Dogecoin



Tesla, put a limited item on sale today, that it is inspired by the cybertruck design. The cybertruck that is still yet to come out and was designed by a 3 year old designer, or something like that.

The item is a whistle, and it is called Cyberwhistle (original name) and for the US customers it was available for 1000 DOGE, and it is already out of stock. The link to it, can be found here.

I like this marketing pushes. It helps crypto and brings it to the masses. People will get a cryptowallet, even if it is on an exchange, just to be able to buy this.

I wished, more companies would do such marketing tries. It brings more fun and with it, awareness of crypto and a physical use, where for crypto a product can be exchanged.


Like mentioned above, this was for the US buyers, as I've tried the site in The Netherlands and in Germany, and it was available for 59€ at the time of writing.

How do you see it? Do you value more companies that promote crypto?

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