my 5-year Jive too 100K HP - UPDATE

gm lions!

Quick update on #MyHiveGoals...

This is my 5 year journey to 100k HP

Fell behind a little bit on the number of posts as well as the rewards from upvotes this week, but that's ok.

I'm out of town visiting friends and family right now, and will probably pick up my game as soon as I get back home.

Also, as I said in my previous post, My control spreadsheet has a column with the amount of HIVE I have to buy from the market to stay on track.

5 year Jive to 100k HP control spreadsheet.png

Right now it's at 9 HIVE per day, and since I haven't made a whole lot of posts, and the posts I did make weren't very successful for some reason🤷‍♂️ Except from my #openmic entry, that one did quite well.

Alex Rourke posts on HIVE this week.png

I went ahead and bought 234 HIVE from the market and I'm not back on track:

DateHP GoalActual number
26 Sep '2220,81620,816.005
31 Dec '2225,712---
31 Dec '2344,327---
4 Apr '2450,000---
31 Dec '2462,993---
31 Dec '2581,608---
31 Dec '26100,223---

Alex Rourke 5year Jive update.png

My curation APR % has increased to 4.78% from lasts week's 3.18% so a win on this front.

curation APR for Alex Rourke.png

And my earnings chart has a slight improvement from the 0.5 HIVE per day from curation:

earnings on HIVE.png

This 5 year Jive to 100K HP was inspired by @jongolson and his #MyHiveGoals posts. Jon is a living example that you can make it on HIVE if you're willing to show up every day and put in the work.

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