Instilling The Habit Of Saving In Younger Generation.

I remember many years ago when my Mom always tell me to save money, you know save from what they give me to spend in school, save from money given to me by visitors and all other means my little self could get money from. She would buy me a savings box made of clay and I would save with each passing day with the hope of breaking it and getting a dress for myself for Christmas. At least that was what they told us to always save for.

What I've always commended is the habit they taught us to always save and this has helped me till this day as that habit is still there, though I've not been saving for Christmas


dress but I've always been saving for more important things and when I save I get it all thanks to the habit already instilled in me. This story I've told is just to let us know about how important it is to instil the habit of saving in our children or more suitingly the younger generations.

The habit of saving should be what everyone should be instilled with and even if we ourselves didn't enjoy the education, I believe the younger ones should be taught early in the school system and in all other ways. This will help them to make better financial decisions without being a wasteful spender. It is important for the younger generations to understand and know that wasteful spending can be a limiting factor to the growth of the economy.

As they say that children are the leader of tomorrow, a fact which cannot be denied. They need to be taught about finance(financial education) which will help them make better financial decisions than even their predecessors because they have known about it since an early age. And have been taught thoroughly.

The world of finance is changing by each passing day and it's all getting more complex and what we need is for the younger generation to know how to continue the legacy by teaching them what they need to know early in life. Instilling financial knowledge, savings and investing among other thing should be part of our top priority to actually better the future.

Kindly share your thoughts on this, I will be happy to engage with y'all in the comments.

Thanks for viewing my post and have a lovely day.

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