"No, You're Not a Blogger!" (Hive Edition - Meme)

An Elistist Hiver's parody of "You're Not a Gamer."

[Important] Author Notes are below the Skit.

You Are NOT a Blogger.

No no no no, You. Are. Not. A Blogger!!

I'm so sick of all these people who think their blogs deserve more upvotes... NO! THEY DON'T! You're not even close to being Bloggers.

I see people saying "I put two hours into this post, and it's great--" THAT'S NOTHING!!!!

That's Nothing!! Most of us can put 6+ hours into all of our Blog Posts!

I've seen people who only post Microblogs and want to get Upvotes! Ahahahahaahaa. That's funny.

Come to me after you write a 3000 words essay! Then, we'll be friends!

Also, Kids...

Memes... aren't real blogs!

Buzzes... aren't real blogs!!

Leothreads... aren't real blogs!!!

Your Freewrites! Aren't. Real. Blogs!!!

Put away your Generic AI garbage, and write something that requires Thoughts and Effort for once!!!

Then maybe, you'll see Upvotes!

-- Sincerely, all of the Actual Bloggers.

Author Notes

That was fun to write... I got the idea while listening to "No, You're Not a Gamer." After posting about it on DBuzz. I don't know the source of the Meme, but I found it through this Youtube video. The visuals of the video are taken from the anime Death Note (ep37) and it sounds like the text was taken from somewhere on the internet.

I loved the Elitist nature of his speech, and how he delivered each line. I don't agree with it though.

The version I wrote above: "You're not a Blogger" is how I think some whales think of Hive. I know it could be more than that. I enjoyed thinking of the types of posts that would trigger these people and made a speech out of it.

Also, Kids... Buzzes... aren't real blogs!!

To be honest, I too, don't think that most content on Hive is considered a real blog. I don't think you need to write a "real blog" for you to get paid for it. Quality Content can appear in many forms, don't you think?

For now, I thank you all for reading.

I hope to see you in another Meme Article. Keep posting Quality Content Hivers~

[-] The video is linked in the author's note. The cover image is created with Imgflip.
[-] By the way, I put 2 hours into this post.

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