Top Strategies For Promoting LeoFinance in 2023 [LEO&HODL Contest]


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Leo Finance is a fantastic platform that not many people are aware of. On Hive, this platform has one of the best communities. If you don't know enough about finances, it will be tough for you to succeed in life and make a lot of money.

I have learned a lot about finance and cryptocurrencies from Leo Finance. The authors in this forum share accurate information and are intelligent.
This community needs to reach a lot of users this year, and this can be done through promotion.

How can the Lions promote LeoFinance this year?

There are different ways to promote Leo finance this year, I will list the tips below

7 Tips For Promoting Leo Finance

(1). Twitter
(2). Frequent discussion about leofinance in our blog post on Hive Ecosystem.
(3) Participating in Leo Contest
(4) Using other websites to promote Leo finance, e.g Quora and reverio.
(5) Leo Glossary.
(6) More Enlightenment about the mode of operation.
(7) Creating Short videos on YouTube, Instagram and Tik Tok.

(1). Twitter

Twitter, as we are all aware, is a large, highly effective web 2 microblogging ecosystem.
Lions need to be advertising the Leo finance platform by posting about Leo finance, thereby adding the URL of the Leo finance ecosystem to their post.

The Leofinace ecosystem has a powerful microblogging feature called "Threads'' that needs to be discussed by Lions. Because of the monetization, this feature is known as "Twitter Killer." This feature, which is absent from the Twitter platform, will draw a lot of Twitter users who are to sign up on Leo Finance. Because, in my opinion, everyone enjoys earning money.

(2) Frequent Discussion About Leo Finance In Our Blog Post On Hive Ecosystem.

There should be more awareness among many users in the Hive ecosystem, and this can be done by posting about Leo finance and its features on our post, using general tags. There are many people out there on Hive that are unaware, this simple technique will promote Leo finance and it will reach a lot of users in other communities on Hive.

(3) Participating In Leo Contest

Leo and the HODL community run a weekly contest that will increase user awareness if more Lions take part.
Even though it may not happen often, some well-known authors should participate in the contest. This will encourage their fans to join the community. I am aware of some users who have large followers but do not participate in the contests. They could help the platform attract more users by occasionally taking part in the contest.

(4) Using other websites to promote Leo finance, e.g Quora and reverio

Quora and Reverio are platforms where users post questions and they simply provide answers to the questions.
Many users will come as well to provide answers to the questions. It's an interesting platform where users interact with each other and everyone learns.

Lions can move in massively to these platforms, thereby generating several questions about Leo's finance. E.g
What is the difference between the Leo Finance thread and Twitter? Lions will explain the difference between the two platforms and how Leofinance is better than Twitter.

This will attract many users and they will check into the Leo Finance ecosystem and become participants.

(5) Leo Glossary

Leo Glossary, a dictionary on the leofinance interface, is another promotional tool that can be used. You can insert it in your post by including the link to a strange word.
Users are not required to consult a dictionary or the internet before looking up unfamiliar words.

As users click on the link, they will examine the URL. This will entice many users to visit Leofinance and learn more about it. This is another marketing tactic, in my opinion.

(6) More Enlightenment about the mode of operation

I have interacted with a few users on the Hive ecosystem who frequently post about finance, and I asked them why they weren't using the Leo finance interface. A lot of them said it was because they didn't know much about cryptocurrency.
I replied and explained to them that leofinance is not just about cryptocurrency but also finance and digital money.

After that, one of my friends posted in the community, and others will post as soon as possible.
I think many people are still out there that are yet to be aware that they can also post about finance.
They can also use Leo threads for posting other niches that are not finance or crypto-related.

(7) Creating Short videos on YouTube, Instagram and Tik Tok

The three websites mentioned above are effective marketing tools that expand audiences and enhance engagement. Lions can make Instagram reels that outline the key features of Leo Finance as well as upcoming features.
Some lions are excellent Tik Tokers and can post about Leo's fiance on their pages.
Additionally, by posting videos on YouTube, Lions will reach a large audience of YouTube users, encouraging them to join the ecosystem.


What Are The Strongest Sides Of LeoFinance In SocialFi?

The decentralized system is a major tool in the Leo Finance ecosystem, a lot of crypto users love to control their wallets.
Also, Leo's finance has some investment programs.


What are the differences between LeoFinance and other blockchain-based social media platforms?

The availability of Thread, which allows users to earn while micro-blogging, is a powerful feature that differentiates Leofinance from another web 3 platforms.
We are so lucky to have Leo Finance, it's really hard to see a platform that allows users to microblog freely on their ecosystems and also earn from the microblogging. This is magnificent.

Apart from the availability of Thread, Leo finance also has some other important features such as cub finance, Leodex, Leopedia etc.
The Leo finance developers are still working daily to add more features to the ecosystem.


Importance of promoting LeoFinance for our ecosystem

Every platform must be promoted. The ecosystem will become stronger if there are many users present.
There will be a lot of investors and top experts.
Users will be taking part in the Leo Power Up Day( LPUD), thereby making Leo tokens to be more valuable.


What will you personally do to promote LeoFinance this year?

I will tell more friends verbally and also post in general communities on Hive, discussing how powerful the Leo finance community is.

I will microblog very well on Twitter about the Leofinance ecosystem, and I will insert the link to the Leo finance ecosystem.

I will be using the Leo Glossary feature frequently on my post and this will promote the ecosystem very well.


Suggestion to LeoFinance

There is one important feature that can increase the number of participants within a short range but unfortunately, this feature is not available in the ecosystem.
This feature is Referral Bonus

Referral Bonus

Some platforms use this effective marketing tactic to boost the number of participants. Trust me, it works like magic.
People enjoy bonuses, therefore as an example, consider the fact that Binance will pay you up to 40% of every transaction made by a user you brought to the site.

This would enable many people to invite their friends by working day and night, some of them are quite skilled in marketing.
When they check the platform and there isn't a referral bonus, some investors find it dull

Leo Finance can do a one-time referral bonus for anyone that invites their friends through their referral links and gives them a small token of Leo for a referral bonus.
This will attract many users and the percentage of participants will skyrocket.

I hope the developers will look into this, I appreciate you all for reading to the end. @tomiajax, @temmylade, @treasuree check this out.

    Thank You All
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