
[Source](Designed by me on Canva)

Even though I'm still a newbie in this community, my on-boarder @tresuree first introduced this community to me two months ago, but since then, I haven't learned much about it. I published three times into the community, however, I didn't use Leofinace's front end.

I was advised by @merit.ahama to use the front end every time I wanted to post into the community because doing so would earn me a little reward. I predict that many newbies will make the same error I did during the last few weeks.
I hope you will all rectify it in your subsequent writings.
I was taught how to use a few front-end functions by

I will briefly describe the Leo Finance community for the benefit of those who may not be familiar with it or who may not know much about it.

About Leo Finance

Leo Finance is a social network built on the Hive blockchain where members are compensated for creating and engaging with financial and crypto information. The platform's usage token is called LEO token, which can be staked to convert into LEO power to generate earnings by either publishing a post, voting on the post, commenting on the post, or delegating your LEO power to others.
The official front-end is

What Is The LEO Token And Its Staking Feature?

We now know what the Leo finance community is, so now we just need to look into the Leo token, how it can be staked, and the benefits of staking.
LEO TOKEN: Leo token is a Layer 2 Token of the Leofinance Community which has a decentralized trading process.
This serves as the reward for creating content related to cryptocurrency and finance. Also serves as a reward for engaging in other authors' content In the Leo finance community, by using the Leo finance frontend.

Microblogging on Leo threads is another way to earn Leo tokens.
You can also purchase Leo tokens at

How To Buy Leo Token

Visit to buy Leo Token.



Insert the quantity you wish to buy and click on buy

Leo Staking Features

Staking Leo is thought to grant your Leo token power, enabling users to curate content and also earn from the curation. If you don't stake your Leo token, you won't have any power in the community, and we all know that power is the capacity to have Influenced in a community.

As a result, Leo staking is also known as "Leo Power-up." The 15th of every month is designated as Leo Power Up's official day, and it's a great celebration in the community.
Many content creators used to stake their Leo Tokens to gain more influence in the community.

The next Leo power-up day is in 5 days, and you can also take part in successive staking. If you don't have any Leo token, remember to buy some at as I mentioned earlier.
You can also delegate Leo's power to other content creators, and at the end of the post-payout, the curator and the content creator will split the rewards 50/50.

Leo stakes can be removed, but doing so is not advised because doing so would be the equivalent of losing power and would make you less influential in society.
The benefits of curating will no longer be available to you.
The process of unstaking is 28 days and it takes for transactions to unstake completely. So you won't be getting your token in one transaction.

How does LEO and LEO Miners work?

This is another way to earn passive income In the Leo finance community. If you are familiar with cryptocurrency, you will know that mining is highly expensive. But Leo finance mining is straightforward.


This consist of two tokens: LEOM and LE0MM, both have a fixed supply of about 150k. It has a
a fixed percentage of the total LEO inflation.
LEOMM token mines at 4 times the power of LEOM.

You can buy the miners in the Hive Engine Market through

Follow the steps below to buy LEOM and LEOMM

Log in with your Hive account at

• Click the top-right menu

• At the drop bar, click on token.

• Search for LEOM or LEOMM in the search bar.

• Once you get to the trading section, you can trade using your hive token.

• Check your balance in your wallet to confirm the token you just purchased.

• After confirmation that the tokens are already there, you can now proceed to stake your LEOM OR LEOMM.

• The system will do the rest by mining your staked tokens.

Effects Of LEO Token On Hive

Leo is located on the second layer of the Hive Blockchain, whereas Hive is the overall community. Both support activities involving blockchain technology. Collectively, Leo Tokens has produced excellent results

You receive rewards in both the Leo token and the Hive token whenever you create content using the front end of Leo finance.
Content creators that are active on the Leo finance front end are also indirectly active on the hive blockchain.

Best strategies to increase the number of My LEO tokens


I have earned a small amount of Leo tokens as a newbie by engaging in other authors' content using the Leo finance front end. I intend to increase my community engagement level to receive more tokens.
I will also up vote the contents of other authors.

Content Creation in the community

My Leo token balance will rise as a result of posting high-quality content to the Leo community. Good content attracts curators who will curate it, and other authors will up vote it. As long as I continue to consistently create content on the community frontend, my Leo tokens will grow.

Leo power up participation

This comes up on every 15th of every month, I will participate in the next Leo Power up day and that will be my first participation because I'm still a newbie in the community. I can buy more Leo at leodex to increase my power.
Remember The more Leo you power up, the more influence you will have in the community.

Delegation Of Hive power To @Leo.voter

I will make sure I delegate some Hive Power to @Leo.voter to be receiving daily Leo tokens in my wallet.

Participating In Writing Contest

I have been given some Leo tokens before I started using Leo finance frontend, that was my first two weeks on Hive. I participated in a contest hosted by Hive Naija weekend Engagement.
This article is also another writing contest by @hodlcommunity. This Contest will be rewarded with some Leo tokens and this will increase the number of my Leo tokens.

The Effects Of Being Active To Increase LEO Token

Being active is crucial, this can be accomplished in the Leo community by blogging, posting threads on the Leo finance frontend, up voting other authors' content, and commenting on their posts.
Maintaining this level of activity can draw some major curators and you might get some delegation in return.
Your Leo tokens will rise as a result, and the community will take notice of you.

Strong and Weak sides of LEO staking strategies

The benefit of staking Leo is that by being active in the community, you will earn more Leo tokens, and you can use these tokens to take part in the Leo power-up.
The higher your stake, the higher the rewards. When you have a high stake Leo, you earn more while you curate or delegate power to other creators.

The Weak Side Of Leo Staking: Even though the payment is little, last month I intended to take part in the Leo power-up day but I was short on Leo and was unable to do so. I am aware that some newbies are struggling with these issues, but we will overcome them in due time.

Suggestions For Leo Finance Team

I feel the Leo finance team should put more effort towards increasing payouts, up voting everyone who participated in Leo Power Up Day, and increasing delegation to Leo Staking Participants.
@temmylade, @jannaforyou check this out.

Thank You All For Reading.

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