Saturday Savers Club: 08 (2024 May)

Very little change in this SSC post, but good to update nonetheless.

As for my HIVE savings update:

On Wednesday the 1st of May I had 214.789 HP and 22.557 HIVE. Now, my wallet sits at: 243.838 HP and 17.567 HIVE. (The latter sum dropped as I decided to Power Up for the first time and invested 5.000 HIVE.)

And my primary and secondary goals...


Very little change, all round. Still, progress is progress.

In other news, last month's "splash" account - which I've renamed "adventures" in YNAB were put towards my escape into the Ring of Steel. If you'd like some hot, albeit misty, tips on the hike do read my blogpost (linked).

And although I'd intended to salvage the rest of my "splash" fund, my mother (who lives in New Zealand) has booked flights out to join me mid-June!! 🌞

She requested I put together a "brief itinerary" - which has become anything but. I've excitedly planned a rather sporadic trip through the Outer Hebrides (inspired by @hoosie's posts) - which, if my calculations are correct, will deplete my adventure pot. But that's fine. I have't seen mum in person since December 2022.

So I'm more than content to sit tight until she comes.

Plenty of free sunshine and good roads to explore on two wheels until then.

Plus there's the half-marathon, a-looming. Oee. So, plenty of road that I should be exploring on two legs, too.

Ah, I'm so happy.

Hope everyone's been making the most of this spectacular Northern Light-infused sunshine!

P.S. For those who are interested in joining, let me introduce you to the "Saturday Saver's Club": A delightful weekly gathering of individuals across the Blockchain, with the intention of uplifting each other in our savings endeavours. Intrigued? Simply note your interest in a comment on @susie-saver's latest SSC post.

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