Saturday Savers Club: 05 (2024 April)

Luuvly, chilly, bleak Scottish weather out - "April doet wat hij wil", as the Dutch say. Which is more or less what the poet T.S. Eliot wrote in his poem The Waste Land (1922): "April is the cruellest month". A stark contrast from last weekend. (A handful of adventures were recorded by strava2hive here, here and here.) BUT such is life.

At the beginning of February, I made an “ambitious” claim… I stated that my goal was to save 50% of normal monthly expenses, roughly equating to £1,000.00. I managed to save 78% of this, leaving £780 in savings. Which, although isn’t perfect, was not all that bad. With this, I was able to allocate half of those savings to trip up into the northeast of Scotland. See: "Fleeting moment in the wild northeast".

As for my tips for saving goals (budgeting, cost-free alternatives, travel and tourism, and cutting waste)… Being conscious of these tips and structuring them into my daily routine saved me tenfold. I cut costs where I could. Especially whilst on holiday! The train tickets were remarkably affordable via Trainline - ranging from £30 return (Inverness to Thurso) to £70 return (London to Edinburgh). Most travelling was by bike, which is not only FREE but... well, I summarised the joys of two-wheeling in my pinmapple post (linked above). But I'll c&p the gist of it below...

Cycling, I’ve come to appreciate, offers a sensory journey unlike any other. I’m addicted to the positive feeling that endorphins coursing through my body bring, but also to the opportunity cycling offers for immersion. With every pedal stroke, you engage all your senses: the sights, the sounds, the scents, the tastes. It’s an unfiltered, exhilarating, mindful experience. One in which you allow yourself to become fully inebriated by your surroundings. This form of intoxication, the rolling hills, the fragrance of wildflowers, the sound of birdsong, wind in my hair – every sensation matters – nothing beats it, haha. Really! I would encourage everyone to cycle, and if cycling is not your thing, then at least aim to savour as many sensations and experiences as you can in this short life. It’s the purest, clearest route to engaging with one’s pursuit of happiness.

Limiting the cost of food by carrying bundles up with me, only eating out on occasion (mainly small bites for energy during long cycles), carrying one rucksack with limited space - i.e. encouraging NO buys. Also took my ASVA card, which granted access to historic sites. These things, these tips, helped!

It is always possible to travel on a budget, and still enjoy yourself immensely.

As we've entered a new month, a new column can be added to the Objectives Table in this progress report! My balance 16 days ago, mid-March, was 34.095 HBD, HIVE: 6.451 and 3.000 EDS! My HP, also worth noting, sat at: 177.720.

Currently, we're sitting at 13.343 HIVE and - in terms of my SSC objectives...


Not as much progression as I'd have liked... but I was holidaying over Easter. The Easter Bunny [aka SSC savings pot], came to visit me en-route and and helped placate the long train journey with a Kinder Surprise.

So, goals... I think this month I’ll return to focus entirely on savings. Starting small, starting today, I think I’d like to return to the following mantras.

1.Establish a budget
2.Don’t be vague
3.Don’t go too extreme

Anyway, ciao for now!

Hm... As it's a Friday, two fiddlers are playing at the local pub... I think I'll nip in there, hide away from the rain-snow-hail night... go and enjoy a bit of folk music, grab a pint, celebrate the start of a new month - and fresh beginnings.

P.S. For those who are interested in joining, let me introduce you to the "Saturday Saver's Club": A delightful weekly gathering of individuals across the Blockchain, with the intention of uplifting each other in our savings endeavours. Intrigued? Simply note your interest in a comment on @susie-saver's latest SSC post.

*Weekly EDSD update posts > source

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