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Idle time thoughts and plans

While devs are busy devving it gives me some time to think about other things I'd like to work on in the future and believe will do well for the platform in regards to POSH and OCD. While these two projects don't have much in common and I've kept them separate on purpose, there have been some mutual collaboration between them over the years. The reason I've kept them separate is because I've been wanting to keep POSH "non-profit" so to speak, while there are people who profit off of it, I haven't been "paying" myself a salary or something of the likes. Aside from that I'm pretty sure it's one of the few coins/tokens out there that's had as fair of a launch as possible, only few other tokens have matched it from what I can tell/know of, one of them is LARYNX from @threespeak.

One of the reasons I haven't been paying myself has also been cause I'm the one in charge of the accounts and hold the important keys, although eventually once the project becomes big enough I've been meaning to change that so other reputable stakeholders on Hive can share multisig of it with me. Most importantly this is in case something were to happen with me, they could make sure the program could continue working and evolving even without my involvement. Another reason has been cause I'm a firm believer that if you believe in something then put money into it yourself rather than just giving yourself a premine or payment which is something most of the industry doesn't really do. I'm still a large holder of POSH after having bought it for many years even after I sold some recently, partly to get something from all the time spent on it but partly also cause owning too much of a token compared to its supply isn't healthy for the token itself.


Anyway, this is something I've posted some thoughts on before but I've really been wanting to explore the idea to generate extra rewards for stake that's being delegated towards projects that curate manually and with transparency such as how I run things over at @ocd. Manual curation and knowing who was behind each vote that's been cast gives the ecosystem a sort of fairness and removes some of the leeways of abuse that we've seen with other account's votes landing over the years. You can also have certain requirements for each account you're curating to see if they meet it before curating their content, which gives Hive another underlying value that content creators have to do something extra to strive for the votes rather than just receive them based solely of the content while ignoring if the content is being consumed, shared or bringing any extra value to the ecosystem rather than just being a placeholder, often times something anyone could create which recently with the rise of AI has become even more prevalent.

While I want the tokenomics of POSH to stay independent, there is a give and take situation where both of these ideas could co-exist in the near future through the website of POSH. For instance, if we were to place ads on the POSH website similar to how @leofinance are doing, one would ask why I'd consider sharing some of this adrevenue with OCD, i.e. "What does POSH get out of it?", but without @ocdb, posh would not have enough account credit tokens over time offer new signups through the new onboarding page we're also working on (more info on that hopefully soon once it's near completion). Over the years a lot of OCD's involvement in regards to POSH through curation and other activities has also resulted in the token and project becoming more popular so there's a few things you could say that could warrant for OCD to receive some of the possible adrevenue being generated. This is all of course hypothetical still as there's quite some work left to be done until we get there before we start talking how much would ocd get, etc, but what we can talk is what it would do with it which goes back to the previous paragraph.


The OCD token

I believe it's a good time for a token to exist that engulfs our activity which I believe has over the years evolved to such a place that it has become quite unique compared to other accounts and projects' way of curating content and authors. While the proof-of-brain part of it is still a bit unclear, it doesn't hurt for a token to be created at this time as long as we stick to the fairness of airdrops/distribution similar to POSH and continuously award it out to those putting their stake to good use for the health of Hive and the ecosystem. I've been playing around a bit with some ideas and one of them I really like, which goes back to retrospective airdrops I've also been a fan of, is that we'd start off by calculating everyone who's delegated to @ocdb ever since we went back to fully manual curation shortly before the Hive fork. Of course due to the events that followed before that, it might be a better idea to just start counting at the day of the Hive fork until now, so here's how this could look like.

OCD Token initial distribution

Calculate Hive rewards sent out from @ocdb ever since the Hive fork until a future date of the snapshot. Add them all together in a spreadsheet. These accounts would all receive an airdrop of the OCD token.

This would place those who've delegated the longest to @ocdb at the top, based on stake, and they'd be receiving some of the first tokens to bring liquid to the market. Then we'd have to also consider how big this airdrop should be compared to the ongoing token distribution of current delegators. For instance, if I'm delegating 10k hive power after the snapshot and receiving 2 OCD tokens per day, should I get an aidrop of 2 per day for the 10k HP I was delegating before the token existed (i.e. how powerful is retrospective airdrop). Or should it be smaller since it is after all a retrospective airdrop that many didn't count with so it'll feel like too many "free" tokens at once. This is something more to think about.

Anyway, the reason I'm bringing this up is to go back to the adrevenue idea now. In an effort to encourage more people to delegate to manual curation projects which in one way or another helps Hive more than auto/blind/low effort votes, we'd need to generate revenue from the outside along with other ways we generate on the inside to increase the APR these delegators receive compared to those just running on auto. This has been one of the biggest flaws I believe in curation, even though it's impossible to enforce manual curation, especially good one, I believe trying to incentivize it with higher returns is the best way it can be achieved. So how can this be achieved and where are we at currently?

Right now the returns to delegators of @ocdb aren't that high, even though we take one of the lowest fee of any manual curation project, there are other projects out there offering higher APR, either through neglecting the effort of curation or by offering L2 tokens in exchange (or some that are coming close to the gray area of bringing back vote selling through tokens & delegations which I think we need to be careful with). The only extra rewards we're currently offering are those from beneficiaries sent back to @ocdb for having created the account for the newcomers. This amount is small and not reliable (as they can remove the beneficiaries at any time and are in the right to do so, i.e. we don't encourage anyone to keep them on). Thus we have to look at adrevenue instead and how this can help.


With POSH we've been wanting to make the website more visit-friendly for some time now and since the Twitter API forced us away from the convenient automation it'll give us more reasons to visit the website now again to make it work similarly to how it was before. We're also working on more ways and things for people to do once they get onto the website than the general POSH sharing which I think people will like and hopefully also disable their adblocker knowing that the revenue from the ads we place there will assist both the POSH token and the OCD token as discussed above. The more revenue we can generate, the more rewards go to POSH sharers, POSH delegators and OCD delegators which means more rewards for those delegating to manual curation, community building, newcomer retention, designated onboarding and a lot of things.

While POSH has been surviving so far, there may be a time where things are starting to flow well and we may require more funding to grow the POSH ecosystem, i.e. the things people can do on the website, ways they can earn, etc, which may force us to request more funding from the DHF from a proposal but for now we've been postponing that until we feel ready.

Anyway, just some thoughts and ideas, a lot left unsaid but am pretty excited about the future of POSH and how it could also incentivize more stake being placed onto manual curation and what that may do for the ecosystem. Hope you're also as excited as I am and are looking forward to it!

Thanks for reading and engaging, I don't say this often but it's lovely to see that being consistent and working on and around Hive for all these years keeps bringing a lot of amazing comments onto my posts that I love reading. Hopefully the rest of the world will get to explore the amazing community true web3 fosters soon enough.

Thumbnails from Pixabay, keyword searches; ideas, token, sharing.