Crypto Finances

Been a while since I've written a regular blog post and laid out some of my thoughts I have. There's a lot going on, not only on Hive but over all of the crypto space, it's not easy to keep up. Some times I feel like I have too many ideas and am spreading myself thin while getting nowhere with some of them and some times I feel like I'm doing too much with a certain idea/project and I should focus on something else for a while.

With the recent move to the new apartment I'm trying to get a bit more organized cause I've learned that I'm spending way too much time on just catching up on where things are at instead of quickly being able to continue on from where I left things off. Organizing is not the only thing that matters, though, planning ahead is also important and I'm going to try and get better at that. With a fresh new apartment it sort of feels like a fresh new start, that same feeling I got when Hive was created kind of.

Like many here there's also a lot of regret of past actions or inactions (is that even a word? i just figured since inactivity is, dunno, not gonna bother look it up now for the sake of this or why I even brought it up). I put all of my chips on Steem back in the day and we all saw how that went, after quitting my job before the bull run of 2017 I thought I was set and withdrawing to fiat seemed pointless cause I'm not much for materialistic things or bragging about my earnings to friends so instead I decided to wait a bit and get back in hoping that Steem wouldn't correct downwards all that much. Welp, 98% later and reality hit me that maybe quitting my part time job was not the best idea conisdering I didn't want to fiat at all. Surprisingly I've somehow managed to get through all of that even though it cost me most of my stake and a lot of loans from people I got to know throughout my time here which I'm unfortunately still working on paying back. The reason I'm surprised is more that by working hard and having this as my full time job I managed to manage somehow. I guess it's something people take for granted, the income from Hive if you manage to work hard enough and maybe even get a bit lucky being at the right place at the right time, even though I'm trying really hard not to take it for granted and realizing it could cease to exist or be reduced drastically the same way the value of the coin. The bear market was (and still is I guess) pretty brutal, the diversifications I attempted did not pan out much better neither, smoke, gods unchained, some other random alts that barely have any exchange listings or liquidity like the aforementioned.

Needless to say I'm pretty invested in this platform, not just with most of my crypto assets but also my time, attention, focus and love for this innovation. I admit some times it has taken the better of me and I've lashed out on random people I felt were behaving like assholes but at the same time I'm not one to pretend to be all professional and use the blockchain as if it's a resumé. Actions are more important than words and I've tried to hive by that. Reputation is also another important aspect in this space and by that I obviously don't mean the score. With that I want to say that I really respect the people that had lots of opportunities to abuse, maximize and in other ways milk and leech the platform but didn't, that's the sort of reputation you'll mainly remember and you know most people who were around are aware of who those are no matter how hard they may try and pretend to have people forget about it the chain will always remember. Maximizers will maximize, though, no matter the hardfork or attempts to even the field, they'll always a way, even today. Things are very different now, though, I've seen how our curation for instance is turning maximizers into voting on proper post just for the sake of receiving higher returns instead of other things they used to do where they'd vote on random garbage that would never receive any votes anyway. It sucks that there's always going to be the people who get less from it by incentivizing the maximizers to do better and them basically riding on the backs of the people providing value and taking L's for the greater good of the ecosystem but eventually they'll exit or decrease their stake drastically on the next pump I assume.

I've been thinking lately what I would do next time there is a bull run and hive goes up drastically. Obviously not everything is going to be repeated the same way as last time - that'd be too easy, but I'm still not sure if I'd have the patience to sit by on the sidelines with my tether and wait for a better moment to buy back. At the same time I don't know what I would do with the fiat neither, one thing would be great if I didn't have to worry about money and be out of debt, but honestly I'd much rather have most things still in crypto and use it every day. There's some big influencers in crypto who have done a lot better than me and I kinda envy them, not because of what they have but because of what they're able to do with it. They're able to start huge communities, movements and support a wide range of newcomers. That's something I'm looking forward to be doing as well, especially on Hive where the actions are way more direct and the connections run deeper than on the other chains I've observed it on.

All in all I'm excited about everything going on on Hive, it seems like people are finally realizing the potential and that the barrier to go big, the same way Leo showed us, is not that impossible. I'm hoping many will follow in its footsteps and build more bridges and connections outside our ecosystem as well. The important part is to bring people away from the centralized chains that are holding them down and onto the blockchains. Having said that there's also a lot of project I keep witnessing that have existed on Steem/Hive and sort of still exist but due to the small userbase have stopped evolving and now there's others putting in millions into the new ones on other random or their own chains when they've existed here in forever but barely anyone showed interest. Sort of like what Fredrikaa was posting about the other day, there's a lot of things we here do take for granted that other platforms thing they've invented to finally get working.

I'm hoping our efforts won't go to waste but at the same time there's so many people out there and such a big need for this tech that there'll always be room for many different solutions. Hive being this scalable at this point already and easy to bridge and onboard others is a good sign for its future. We're probably only a few pumps away, which in and itself we're a few theycallmedan's away from happening, for more attention to come to Hive from developers, users, entrepreneurs, artists, gamers and all kinds of regular users.

In the mean time I'll be trying to continue providing some value in one way or another and posting a bit more regularly to try and get out of debt as I'm starting to think it's been affecting my sleep a lot even though I try not to think about it too much. I didn't even want to be "that guy" who starts posting in Leofinance just for the rewards, cause after not having posted much relevant content in the past year it seems like the timing is perfect to be "that guy" that just posts for the rewards and at the same time I'm unfortunately not able to hold onto much stake either cause I'm already in a position where I have to sell some Hive here and there which I already feel I have too little of but I'm hoping that the content will be worth the votes people feel they want to reward me with.

I've been planning on starting an investment and trading series soon to make it easier for inexperienced traders to both follow along and learn more about the vast majority of projects that exist and are spawning on a literal daily basis. For that to happen I need to do more research on overviewing everything I've missed in the past couple years as I've focused so much on Hive to know which ones I should be writing about and parking some value in hoping it'll appreciate if only to buy more Hive later if history repeats itself and Hive lags behind again like it did back in the late 2017 bull run. If more people think the same way things may get pretty crazy for our price, considering the lock up periods too and how exponentially things work here not just with the rewards but the ease to join and exponentially make traffic go vertical. Who knows, maybe we may even end up selling the Hive accounts we claim daily for a discounted 3 Hive once we're running out of free ones to give away if things go well.

One thing I want to point out lastly is the lack of feeling like we're all in this together is something that might be your undoing on Hive. Even though you may be able to hide it, at some point it becomes obvious for other people that matter. We saw it happen recently where a wrong word or accusation gets you enough attention for people to look at your activity and think, hey wait a minute, this person is taking x amount of rewards from the pool without really providing any substantial value to the platform and mostly just seeming like the only thing he cares about is himself. That's not something that's going to get you far, no matter what's been shielding you from doing that in a long time at some point people will have had enough. You may call them bullies and use other methods to try and get them off, but in the end you'll start to realize that the only thing that would've helped is if you had used the platform more like the way the incentives attempt to try and make you use it. I.e. using your stake to improve the place, your content to bring value to the place, to engage for genuine reasons and not for ulterior motives and most importantly to be vested for the long term, not try and either take low effort short cuts or ruin your reputation for some quick gains.

Hive's a completely different beast, in many ways it reminds me of the early days of the internet combined with this new technology that changes how money works. We're so deep into it that most other projects haven't even gotten as far as to figure out how to scale or remove transaction fees while we're here figuring out how to make maximizing delegated whales use their votes for the betterment of the platform. It's beautiful really and I can't wait to see what else is waiting for us.

Anyway, I have a few projects I've been looking at that I've been wanting to shortly bring up and explain what they do and why I think they're worth taking a look and throwing some crypto at, so look forward to that in my next Leo posts instead of this long ass ramble about unspecific things and some maybe oddly specific cases if you've paid enough attention. Maybe that one will have some more weight in it and get you some possibly profits in the near future, if not for my readers than it might help me with my own finances at least and remove some of the need to sell hive. Another thing I've been wanting to get more into is blockchain gaming, kinda wondering if that is Leo appropriate if they have an element of investment. Guess I'll just try and find out unless someone let's me know in the comment section if they've managed to read through this ramble all the way. :P

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