Putin Exposes The Silent Expansion of "The Empire of The World" and Threatens to Fight Back

I am going to start the introduction of this post with a disclaimer regarding the fact that by no means am I a Putin fan or that I encourage any war or form of violence in any way, but when bastards are at a fight often times truth might surface itself for us plebs to see it.

There are enough talks regarding how Putin has managed to stay on his chair for so long by using force, blackmailing, and other forms of oppression, and most of us have realized by now that in countries such as America, and not only, presidents are selected, not elected.

They don't care about Ukraine, neither does Russia, nor America(NATO and EU), all they care is about natural resources and amassing these by any means. I have included the EU as part of America, despite geographically that being impossible, because I already see the EU acting in its majority as if being an American colony.


Ukraine doesn't need the EU or NATO, it was trashed all over the media years ago as being a highly corrupted country having a comedy guy elected as a president and it has only begun an interest for the West due to its interest in Ukraine's natural resources and geo-strategic position.

In a recent speech, Putin claimed that a hybrid war is being waged against Russia because it stands in the way of the neocolonial world order. That's a bold statement that makes quite a bit of sense imo...

I've already said that I see the EU acting as an American colony due to the fact that most of the European countries do whatever America does, believe in whatever America says it's the truth(see covid pandemic here), and rely so much more on the dollar than their own EURO, which will probably fall sooner than later.

If you don't think Europe is a sort of an Ameican colony then just think of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and former Yugoslavia and see how the process of "the desoverignitization" led by the US took place over there and how these countries are mere colonies right now. These guys are not for sovereignty and diversity, they're after a new world order, a one world government, and a one currency regime and they will fight for that by any means.


Digital cash is the future, unfortunately... And there sure has to be a competitor for the dollar as a "world currency". Russia has been kicked off from the Swift network, which once allowed it to trade internationally, but Russia's trades especially dealing with gas and oil have not been derailed and it seems that the Chinese are "more than friendly" in this regard.

It has become a regular occurrence within the mainstream media these days to suggest that ties between Russia and China have been “strained” over the conflict in Ukraine and that Russia may lose the support of its ally soon. By extension, Russia/China trade relations have expanded greatly in the past several months alone with bilateral deals that completely remove the US dollar as the world reserve.

"The topic of digital financial assets, the digital rouble and cryptocurrencies is currently intensifying in society, as Western countries are imposing sanctions and creating problems for bank transfers, including in international settlements."

"If we launch this, then other countries will begin to actively use it going forward, and America's control over the global financial system will effectively end..."
-Russian lawmaker Anatoly Aksakov source


The war is no longer just about firearms and weapons of mass destruction. We now have wars that are being fought on the economical level as well. Don't take me as a US hater or anything like that, I do have my appreciation for quite a lot of Americans that are active on Hive, but don't you find it odd how America expands itself in influence all across the world...

I mean, these guys(not the citizens of course) are throwing sanctions at any country they disagree with or that disobeys with them... That's only possible cuz of the nature of the dollar as a "world reserve currency". Now that cash is getting digitized and Bitcoin becomes a thing, this might change...

Thanks for your attention,

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