Ignore Hive at your own risk... “The government makes it clear that no Chinese version of Elon Musk can exist in the Chinese crypto market”

OK, the greatest communist country in the world that has ever existed and still exists, the one that marches towards total control over its citizens and aims at finally transforming its population into scannable products has put another stance on whatever crypto related might has been left over there.

The Chinese crypto industry faces more frustration after local social media platform Weibo has reportedly suspended several popular crypto-related accounts. “Woman Dr. bitcoin mini” is one of the accounts that has been taken down by Weibo, a Chinese version of Twitter.

My question to this guy/gal would be: have you heard about Hive? Has any whining bitch that cries on twitter over censorship and termination over their accounts ever heard of Hive? Do they even give a damn to my comments, and other fellow hivers that are shilling on twitter this decentralized blockchain that hosts a plethora of social media apps?

No, they don't because they're fine with their warm twitter jacuzzi and their bunch of followers praying that they can use their accounts for one more day. I really don't get these guys... On one hand they're advocating decentralized blockchains and cryptocurrencies, shouting disruption and crypto anarchism, although I honestly don't like this adjective, and on the other they're "all in mainstream social media".


How can you change something and have a revolution if wearing the same old chains on yourself...

“It’s a Judgment Day for crypto KOL (key opinion leaders)” said “Woman Dr. bitcoin mini” while seeing his/her account being terminated on the narrative of “violating rules and laws.” Man, crypto is not about laws and rules, it's about overturning the table of rules and legislations and creating ourselves a new economy and governance system. There's nothing to polish or integrate with crypto from what we've had so far.

This technology is totally different from what we've had so far. At some point we will need to completely decouple from the traditional and embrace this revolution. Still using twitter, relying entirely on banks, approvals and wearing the damn masks won't change shit. Nobody is going to give anything back or grant any further well deserved freedom to us once those are stolen. We really need to fight for it, build in silence and start circumventing and making our own systems.

The current financial and governance system stinks worse than a dead cat under the sun in Mexico. China is perfectly aware of the potential cryptocurrencies and decentralized blockchains have, same thing with El Salvador. The only difference is that China is a one and half billion citizens country and El Salvador it's a mere 5 millions one...

Not saying that I don't consider bullish what the president of El Salvador has done recently, but we need to fight for the big chunk. China is trying its best to take away any last piece of liberty its citizens had, that's why is cracking down on anything crypto related.


The leaders of this country are determined to release a government CBDC that's gonna give them total control over citizens and be an example to the world in that regard. Hopefully the rest of the world will not follow, as China is one of the worst examples around the world when it comes to stealing freedoms and keeping the population under total control.

I know hope doesn't move mountains literally speaking, but I really hope the blockchain and crypto industry will evolve enough in a decent amount of time to be able to fight with these constrictive powers. At this point it's our only way out of the current corrupt and draconian governance systems. I really see no other escape. Look at how much they've achieved through this induced damn pandemic, imagine what they can do when able to totally control the money...

Crypto is mandatory and vital at this point. Why do you think they're recruiting so much police force and work on developing as many control tools as they can? They can feel that at some point the masses might turn against them. We just need to wake them up and crypto is one of the best wake up calls. Have a great week ahead people and see you to the next one.

Thanks for attention,

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