AskLeo - Who's Actually Buying Bitcoin Right Now?


From $19,000 to $16,500, Bitcoin has had quite a steep fall and it actually occurred when almost nobody was expecting it, as usual probably. The fear and greed indicator was at around 95 points out of 100 yesterday, signaling extreme greed, but most of us were already wondering how long it will take until BTC will smash the previous ATHs instead of at least taking a correction in consideration.

Some were indeed having regrets that they haven't bought more BTC when it was way cheaper, while others like some folks in here, have taken some profits out of the market, with a bit of regrets of risking to have jumped off the train too soon. Well, now guys might be the chance to buy back at a discount.

I personally haven't expected this dump, although something inside me was quite blown of how high BTC and the whole market can get in such a short time... It was such a long time though since we saw this type of upwards movements. I got caught in the bull run dust though and was already betting for BTC going long. Not leverage trading of course, as I consider this to be one major catalyst in screwing BTC's price action... and overleverage probably being the main reason for today's BTC dump.

I've read news and tweets today about potential future crypto regulations in the US, but I don't bite that, especially from the Conibase's CEO. I don't know why, but I don't trust that guy. Oh, and BTC is not all about the US, it's a world wide accepted and traded assets, so Americans please don't foolishly believe that it's you guys influencing everything in this world... sometimes it's China doing that.

Now, one thing is clear and that is the fact that there is blood on the streets, on the streets of crypto to be more exact, and if we were to follow the baron Rothchild's piece of advice, we should be buying BTC and crypto right now, even if the blood is of our own.


It might get even lower, or it might go aggressively up like that time in September 2017 when the China ban news came out and all the dumb money panic sold. I don't get this type of people. If you plan on becoming a millionaire or improving significantly your personal finances, how do you plan on selling at every piece of FUD is thrown at you.

So what if the US will regulate BTC and impose taxes, what did you expect, wasn't it clear that BTC won't stay a no man's land forever? If investing in crpto turns out to be profitable, what's wrong with paying taxes. If paying taxes feels like a pain in the ass... leave the country and choose a better one.

Anyway, this dump is probably just a healthy correction part of many more others to come on this bull market road and we could see it as it is. My question now on my personal #askleo initiative post is: who's actually buying bitcoin now? How many of you are buying at a discount?

Thanks for attention,

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